In and of itself there is nothing wrong with Low to Mod income housing, although any project that I have ever looked at the numbers the average cost per unit to rehab falls in the 300K range. Some less and some more, but the average around 300K.
My point in Worcester is "enough already". Look no furthere then my map. We are already way above the minimum 10% required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, lets slow this train down and attract some housing for high income earners?
Ironically the City of Worcester paid $25 about 7 years ago to a company in New Hampshire called RKG. I ask anyone reading this blog to read their two page recommendation. RKG nailed it and we have proceeded to do the exact opposite of what they recommended 7 years ago.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
why do so few champion for it in their own neighborhoods?
I have read that report 100+ times..they could have paid me to write it:>)
I wonder if the CC minutes are available for when this report was presented to the City Council...
Wild Will...those on the Chandler Street Business Association have experienced first hand how much power the CDC's and other non -profits have in this city....the urban core is their wee fiefdom and those of us making actual private investment are their subjects
Re: Mr Robert Nemeth's editorial on Institue Park in todays T&G (6-21)
Of teh $300,000 annual Pilot Payment to the city from WPI.... $100,000 yearly will go to pay down the debt incurred by the city to re-do Institue park. Interesting.....
Translation: OK Worc.,.... heres' $300,000 annual Pilot Payment for 25(?) years and of that payment you have to use $100,000 toward refurbisihng a city park that we (WPI) clearly have a vested interst in i.e. basically a nice extension of our campus largely paid for by others tax this deja vu all over???......just like Clark Univ. got the feds to pony up zillions in a re-make of the Hammond Kilby Gardner Area?
Who's on deck? Next Up Holy Cross to make a "city" park where the HOJO's Hotel once stood that HC razed about 10 years ago?
Did I miss some in Mr Nemetsh piece...but I didnt see one mention in the article of the 13,000 foot high Fire Fighters High Rise Memorial allegedly planned for Institute park............or maybe a separate little piece has been carved out of the officail Institute park for the memorial? Soooooooo what happens to all teh money raised for thsi Memorial if it doesnt come to fruition. Anyone ever see the Fishermens Memorial in Glouster for all those who went down at sea. Truly a fitting tribute....stands about 20 ft sq and maybe 20 ft high.......and memorialzes the death of over 5000 fishermen..........truly far and way the most dangerous occupation.......there isnt even a close 2nd........
I heard a radio spot this morning advertising the buy local, buy Worcester mantra which specifically talked about buying cars from local dealerships.........Huh....????.......well I guess it's OK if we're talking buying used cars........but buying new cars? Who is paying for this message?
What's next a radio spot touting the benefits of inexpensive food purchased from a Worc push cart vendor or a spot advocating satifying ones sexual cravings by visiting a downtown Worc Strip joint or a downtown cinema? Hey, at least if ya get stabbed in one of these joints you wont have to worry about it being more than a 2.5" inch knife or is the knife ordinance still being legislated.
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