From the Worcester Business Journal:
Halfway through the month, the state's tax collections are $251 million less than they were for the same period a year ago, the state Department of Revenue said.
As of June 15, the state had collected $859 million in taxes and was projecting full-month revenue of $2 billion, a decrease of $217 million compared to June 2008. The department said the decline is primarily the result of lower income and corporate/business tax payments.
Month-to-date, income tax collections totaled $70 million, $66 million less than was collected during the same period last year. Corporate and business tax collections totaled $350 million a $93 million reduction from June 2008.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I was reading teh T&G about the battel on Shrewsbury St. for sidewalk dining and the required rule that a 5 ft "right of way" remain so pedestrians can pass.
So why are we req'd to only shovel our sidewwalks to a 4 ft width in the winter? .......and for those that are only 4ft wide ....OK fine thats all you can shovel them I guess
4 ft is adequate for pedestrian traffic in the winter???? ....(Unless you're Pilot Payment Palmieri who it is rumored only shovels when he's outted for not shoveling) ... yet 5 ft is req'd if we're busting the cahonnes of Shrewsbury St restaurants who want to a have summertime sidewalk dining?
Maybe I should STFU before the city council increase the shoveling req't to 5 ft???
Logic....consistency....parity.....equality..........I mean WTF???.....why aint 4ft adequate on Shrewsbury St.........too many calorically challenged pedestrains on Shrewsbury St have a 5ft girth??
Is Worc Common Ground a member of the Chandler St Business group and if so why does WGC allow the weeds and vegetation to grow in excess of 12" at their Mason St dev'ment site?
Are non profits exempt from the nuisance ordiance passed a year ago............i know the city of Worc is exempt.........CC passes laws that i have to abide by yet exempts the city from the same laws....
Speaking of state tax collections, looks like the Supreme court will not hear arguments re: teh collection of Mass sales tax from stores in Cow Hampshire that have a nexus to Mass and who are selling goods to Mass Hole Residents.
This s/b an interesting battle as we go forward.
Jack Booted MAss DOR Gestapo agents swarming into Town Fair tire to enforce collection of a Mass tax in NH.........LIVE FREE OR DIE..........wasnt there a dude named Brown who was barricaded in his NH compound a fews year ago over a tax issue and who eventually was subdued by IRS agents?
"Are non profits exempt from the nuisance ordiance passed a year ago"
they are expempt from every thing in this city
The city build sidewalks, not the businesses behind the sidewalks.
The city is now saying to the businesses: "You can use OUR sidewalks to conduct your business as long as you leave five feet clear".
Why can't the businesses live within the restriction?
JSF, the sign on teh intersate says speed limit 65 mph.
Are you always legal on the highway at ALL times?
Your sidewalk always shoveled to 4ft width w/in 10 hours of teh end of snow storm?
What if I am a 431 lb person.......i'll need more space to rest my derriere........if I cant get that space who do I sue.....the city or the dining establishment.
I'll take my outdoor dining 300 ft over the Lake Quinsig Bridge into Shrewsbury.
Paulie, whats the situation with outdoor dining back in Somerville. You familiar with it?
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