I missed it.
I heard, however, that there was some discussion on another affordable housing project at the Lincoln Square Boys Club. Anyone hear it?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I was mad at myself this morning. I didnt awake until 717 am which is at least an hour too late for me.
So as I always do i turned on radio a short while later to come in the middle of Politos weekly interview with Palmieri and oddly enough Polito was REALLY RAILING against Phil re an overabundance of low income housing in Worc. As usual the typical pol doesnt really give a concise answer and starts yappin' about the need for for infrastructure( commuter rail) to get more middle income folks into downtown housing...yap yap yap...like a bunch of teen girls.
Re concise responses, I want to give JOB 3-4 months to get his feet under the desk. I then DEMAND a clear and concise statement from him re his mayoralty.
He told T&G his attention will be focused on Schools, neighbor hoods, and Jobs. Far too general for me and frankly too many pols speak in favor of things that everyone else wants, needs, demands, etc. Its kind alike coming out for longer jail terms for perverts. Who is against it?
I would like to ask JOB for 100% specificity re: his goals and objectives 4 months from now. Being for jobs, scholls and neighborhoods is just too much unspecified generalizations.
Dittos for the oterh 10 coucilors
Maybe the lightbulb is starting to come on??
8:15: Toomey says that we need to keep in mind that in order for downtown to survive we need people downtown that have disposable income. There should be different types of housing, but the city needs to remember to reach out to the businessman or retiree and get them to move downtown and spend their money downtown.
I heard Councilor Palmieri babble on about infrastructure when Polito was railing against more no-lo income...there isn't one of em' who would stand for a no-lo in their neighborhood or next door to one of their own investments..
regardless of how long you want to wait Senor Jahn...last night was more discussion then ever before on the subject....sadly my own District City Councilor chimed in on disagreeing with Councilor Lukes comments that we have enough no-lo income housing.....this may come back to haunt her
"Maybe the lightbulb is starting to come on??
8:15: Toomey says that we need to keep in mind that in order for downtown to survive we need people downtown that have disposable income. There should be different types of housing, but the city needs to remember to reach out to the businessman or retiree and get them to move downtown and spend their money downtown."
>>damn silly bloggahs and urban investors:>)
Hey guys how about JOB appoints a retired local businessman(s) volunteer to visit 2 Worc businesss per day for the next 6 months. Alll size businesses and then come back to JOB with specific recommendations...and JOB goes to the mat to implement these recommendations?
These recommendations could also concern the motis operandi of the city of Worc.
This person(s) will be JOB's appointed Worc. Business Czar(s). and please no more deep sixing your own czars recommendations....... a la Worc Mun. R Bureau. This will part of JOB's jobs initiative for Worcester
Hey a light bulb just went off in my head....
Mayor Joe Brein a.k.a. locally as JOB = job's. I cant be the 1st one to think of this?? and this is one of the 3 planks in his platform for Worc. Sorry, jobs saved dont count....only those created.
And poor Mike O brien is stuck with MOB [g]
MOB....Mayor OBrien [g]
Pualie, did anyone talk about disbanding a few CDC's...... a.k.a as defunding them a.k.a. not siging on for anymore Beacon Hill or Capitol Hill NOLO bucks or acting as a Home Funds guarantor.........Ill bet the city has done more "bonding" in the last few years than all of the bail bondmens in Slummerville [g]
And please, lets make 2010 the year of only 1 resolution per month. These things a re complete waste of time and generate notinhing but a lotta hot air pollution which aint very green.
there was no talk about CDC disbanding but perhaps the idea is fermenting amoung a few importante persons in WooTown....Lukes,Toomey, Palmieri & Clancy all in some manner acknowledged that enough is enough....and that a focus needs to be put towards market driven housing...I look at this as positive and am very willing to support them on this...I am a wee bit dismayed that D4 City Councilor Haller could not support this and that City Councilor At Larger & Economic Development Committee Chaiurman Rushton wanted a better definition of "diverse"...time to put the swords down RR and work with Konnie not continue to put the foot to the neck..you know what she meant:>)
The Economic Czars in WooTown can not expect the investors to invest and then the city also holds it's feet to our necks...ask any local young adult with a job and an education what it will take to buy into the Village of Piedmont and they chuckle at you...
Speaking of lightbulbs going off, help support a local Worcester based business:
Harry T
I speculate that WPI will beef if Low incomes go into old boys club.......plus it will make it more difficult for the city to loading the old trade school site............WPI doesnt want any lo win comes types near their Northe worc Park or what ever thay ar enow calling that area..........WPI in fact may even win the trade school RFP....if there ever is one
Which reminds me the old AUD seems to have fallen off the city dev'ment radar screen.... i ahve not heard or read mention of it in ages............maybe I missed something?
Did anyone notice the miniature "cliffs" they left behind when part of the old trade school was razed about 2(?) yrs ago..........i.e. slopes much greater than 8%........you can not create a slope of more than 8% unless you (a private developer) get ZBA approval first........of course the city is exempt form teh zoning ordinance they can create any kinda of slope they want...............double standards.....do as I say not as i do
Mcfaddens closes down......again?????.......didnt a new owner take over there awhile back?
Is the problems McFaddens (the business only ) or just the real estate or both??
Upton & Q will now watch their Monday night football exactly where?? Must be Konnies fault. No wait Joe is mayor now. [g]
Councilor Lukes proposed that there be a cap of 10% of affordable housing, not just in that housing complex but across the city. Which touched off a debate about how much affordable housing.
It ended with everyone else agreeing you can't just kick out the majority of the population, especially without some means to employ the income levels she is speaking about.
They agreed to send it to the economic committee where it will die.
So could that be constued as a shot across JOB's bow............seeing as how JOB worked for Jim Mcgovern and Jim Mcgovern's washington funding is the primary reason we now have 14% NOLO housing.
Bill the last few days I heard mention anumber of times of a shortage of "affordable" housing in Worcester...a euphemism for NOLO housing.,,,and everytime I hear it i can't help but think of the Camp/Cambridge/NOLO's sitting 80%(?) M.T. now for over 2+ years?????
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