This was the major locally owned oil company that was discussed a couple weeks ago on this blog. Click here for the story in today's Telegram. Currently closely all the retail stores, but i have heard that they have a buyer lined up for the Oil delivery business. If you have oil delivered to your house by them, you should be all set.
Yes, T-Traveler it was here that we discussed the possibility of Sam's moving to the new Wal-Mart.
Here is another for you. The Market Basket is already hurting grocery stores in Worcester. Imagine what the new Walmart will do? Please note the opening of the new Walmart has been delayed at least 90 days for major mistakes made with the roof assembly. By the end of the year I expect the Shaws on Grafton Street not to be the only large grocery store shuttered in the City of Worcester.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
I worked for CK Smith in the mid 90s selling gas stations. Unbeknownst to me there was a sepaarate wing of corruption involving David Adams and a few others int he company. I had always wondered why CK SMith could have alloweed such blatant corruption going on under their noses. I didnt find out any of this until after I had been let go, but I didnt care. The guy I reported to was a former convenience store manager. I couldnt understand why they made a guy with that kind of background a sales manager, and I never interacted with Kevin (the real sales manager). Inept and corrupt.
Once the newness of Market Basket wears off; do you really think people will drive to Oxford from Worcester to save pennies on the dollar? I think not. But if I owned Market Basket, I would definitely be looking at the Worcester Metro area as a real growth potential.
I do agree with you that the new super Wal-Mart may hurt some of the grocery stores in the city.
Never seen a grocery store do so much damage like Market Baseket has. People in the industry have told me that this is not temporary.
Stores that we need to watch:
1) Big Y on Southwest Cut-off
2) Shaws Auburn
3) Shaws Webster Square
4) Stop N'Shop on Grafton Street
Damage? To whom? Big-Y and Shaws are a rip off. We should be welcoming this competition. I used to live in Natick and have always wondered why MB had not expanded to Worcester. I hope they continue to do so. The Wal-Mart grocery stores are not cheaper on many of their items. The bulk of their "cheap" merchandise seems to be processed foods. Most of my friends who have tried them switched back after finding little or no savings. I really don't see Wal-Mart as a competitor in the grocery market.
Where's the new Market Basket?
I thought they were mostly to the north and east of Worcester?
It's Based outta Tewksbury where you folks she see what passes for NOLO constr........1800 ft gambrels and colonials on small cul de sacs.
Anyone wanna join the Tewksbury R&G Club??? [g] Only 55 mins from Worc. 50 mins on a Sunday Morning.
if price right didn't sink shaws et. al, noone will. I did hear that Roche bros foray into central mass supermarket arena is coming to a close and they are closing out the westborough store.
dave mcmahon
Market Basket is a fantastic chain. Clean, old-school decor, great prices. And no stinking customer cards! Love it.
We have shopped at them for years.
Too bad if they are 'hurting' other grocery stores like Shaw's. News flash! Those fancy deli counters/hot food stations/salad bars and other perks at Shaw's are a lot of overhead that Market Basket doesn't bother with, for the most part.
Couldn't have happened to a better company. They deserve everything they got.They are now owned by a company in Providence, RI along with Superior Oil in Millbury. Two local companies down the tube.Find a local company to do business with not some out of state company.
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