- no movement on the 1st floor commercial space
- do not see any signs of the market rate condos being built
- finished parking lot?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Have you stopped in to check out GArtH - the art gallery on the ground floor of Hadley yet? Check out details at artsworcester.org.
Eric K.
Worc., MA
no I have not
Eric, isnt there suppose to be an off street parking lot?
Do we know how the rentals are coming along there, NOLO, market rate, commercial, or otherwise?
Any chance the unfinished work is an offshoot of other problems?...E.g. $$$$$$$
How long is a temporary occupancy cert. issued for and how many times can you re-up on it?
If you're granted a variance for a smaller than than allowed parking area, are you not req'd to commence work on the parking w/in a certain time frame from when the variance was granted?
I tell you, I sit at the lights there and wonder to myself, where do the current occupants park? Not only that but once the parking lot is built it is going to create an even greater traffic nightmare at Main & Madison and Southbridge and Madison. Can anyone imagine trying to exit or enter that lot and making a left hand turn acroos two lanes of traffic to do so. I mean jesus H Christ,
I cannot get a 20 sq ft variance on a single family lot for an under sized req'd parking area. Too bad I wasnt a player on the Worc No Lo scene. These guys score every time they prostitute themselves in front of the ZBA with their do-gooder Pajama People housing all in the name of worshipping at the 40B altar. Amen brothers, there will a second collection tomorrow....Amennnnnn...and a third one next week for VA
This is a doomed project, and I've always felt that way. It will end up as all NOLO.
Nobody who has a choice will want to live there, despite the wonderful views.
I can never understand the city of Worcester. You need to put these kinds of projects - DUH - where what little 'art district' stuff already is.
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