Womag story
thanks Z
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
a. "Mayor’s Working Group on Job Growth and Retention".
Another dog a pony show from a dyed in the wool McMurray-ite.
b. "what real incentives we can offer businesses so they will come to the city and stay here."
Get gov't out of the out way.
c. "I’m not a business person,” he says, “and many members of the City Council are not business people. So I think this will be helpful for the city.”
Need I say anymore?
d. “By living and working in Worcester, practicing law and developing property, I’m just one of many people whose experience with economic development can contribute to this issue,” says Finkelstein. “I can bring my own personal views to the table.
Is not Mr Finklestein a player in the low income housing industry in Worcester? If so, this experience is not needed.
e. "An issue like the tax rate needs to be clearly understood before people can make any logical decisions on it, says Finkelstein"
Dare I ask what needs to be understood about a comm. tax rate that is double the residential rate? Worc. business people are not 1st graders studying basic mathematics. They know what the word double means. Please do not talk down to the worc business community like this.!!!
f. “I think people need some groundwork to understand how the tax rates in the city actually work" (JOB said).
See response to item e. above.
Dare I ask, dont we already have Worc Municipal Research Bureua reports gathering dust that have addressed these issues ...which reports are gathering dust at 440 Main St or 40Front St?
Task Force in the Public Sector, Committee in the Private Sector, regardless the end result is the same.
“A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled.”
Sir Barnett Cocks
Rich, amen to that. Ever hear of teh Worc Mnuicpal Research Cul De Sac and I just tuned in to catch the end of Roberta on Bluto. I am upset I missed it. Maybe someone else caught it and can fill me in. Thanx.
BTW, just checking here, has a bicycle rack been newly installed on the Common? Next up ....a hitching post for the very fuel efficient, very green Mr. Ed?
Sorry folks, but any of you guys that think the new arrival(s) at city hall are going to be a plus for Worc's betterment are really naive and I am truly surprised at y'all b/c I know you got more Worc Street smarts than that. Please dont tell me to give things a chance before I verbally pounce. THanx
TGIF two awl. 40's this weakend?
Time to get out the very green, fuel efficient Moped
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