The Best Buy move to Route 146 and Hanover taking a more active role in City Square coming soon, but what do us bloggers know....
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
"SCOOP" Randell beats the T&G to the story, again...
Harry T
Saw a profram that comes on right after Central Mass Chronicles on TV3 that had Lt Gov Tim Murray speaking with the President of Direct Air and the Airport Manager of Worcester's Airport.
I was impressed with both gentlemen. They seem to get "IT" meaning bringing all elements of an airport together for success.
If direct Air is bringing back Myrtle Beach flights I'll give them a shot after July. My last flight out of Worcester eas an Atlantic City charter years ago in February and we couldn't use the jetway because it was broke. After listening these two gentlemen speak w/ Lt. Governor Murray, they convinced me to try the airport again.
I know Lt Governor Murray wasn't going to ask any hardball questions, but as a Worcester taxpayer I would have liked to know when/if the transfer of the airport is going to take place and how much Worcester will get in return.
Paul, with all due respect, how can you say: "they seem to get it meaning bringing all elemnts of an airport together for success.
The airport has been and continues to be right now to this day an unmitigated disaster.
Sorry, but I disagree and hope that Deval/Tim get their heads handed to them next November.
Deval can retire to the Berkshire manse with his Labrador puppy and maybe Tim can get on the state as a lawyer.
Guess I'm just saying they convinced me to try the airport one more time. I've read the T&G stories and decided to give it a shot.
If my experience is a negative one when/if I go to Myrtle Beach, I'll know it was BS. If positive, I'll spread the word to my friends to try the airport.
Anonymous, I agree a good trip to/from Fla for your will good and clealy a success for you.
What I was tyring to say is that 2 Commercial airline flights per week by what is basically a tour operator airline (for lack of a better term) out of Worc Airport is nowhere near the defintion of a successful airport. Dittos for an airport that runs about a million per year deficit for at least teh last decade.
Sorry, some will say I just suffer from WPD (Worcester Personality Disorder), where those long term residents of Worcester just cant get too excited about how the erection of new structures is going to cure what ails Worcester...while our city council ponders the foolish ideas that they do while the city is so technically bankrupt that it's beyond getting under control.
Anyone ever think to ask what happens when Nobama stops his printing presses and the stimulus money dries up and all of a sudden Worc's budget is $30M in the red.
Speaking of Patrick/Murray's reelection bid, why would they site their Worcester campaign office on Park Avenue? This would have been a perfect opportunity to promote downtown by having a Main or Front Street location.
Apparently downtown and transit orientated redevelopment is just talk with the Patrick administration.
There may be some truth to Hanover and Citysquare but that's only part of the citysquare delay. A friend of mine with some knowledge of the situation said that Unum has gone back to the drawing board and is trying to renegotiate.
Is UNUM still in the mix for CitySquare?
As far as I know they are still planning to move to citysquare but they have some issues with the lease agreement that they are trying to work out. It's not a done deal yet and the lease issues are part of the delay. Looks like the other part of the delay is the funding overall.
Walmart treats their employees like crap and better start treating my kid better or a serious lawsuit is in the making!I know some things also that they are unlawfully doing & I aint afraid to speak my mind!better start giving the hardworking employees better respect & treatment or there will be a store full in court w/you folks soon and I will start a boycott & release some info to the media...and if you are understaffed in any dept you better hire people who have experience w/that dept!
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