Although I would like to see the percentage of low-income housing to be lower. In the 10-15% range, this is an example of how these projects should be done. I can see how this project will help the neighborhood and encourage further investments. Do not see the same thing with projects like May Street and Southgate Place.
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Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Unlees it s carved in stone, expect the number of market rate apts to be winnowed down and the number of low income apts to increase.
From Webster's
win·now (wn)
v. win·nowed, win·now·ing, win·nows
a. To separate the chaff from (grain) by means of a current of air.
b. To rid of undesirable parts.
2. To blow (chaff) off or away.
3. To blow away; scatter.
4. To blow on; fan: a breeze winnowing the tall grass.
5. To examine closely in order to separate the good from the bad; sift.
a. To separate or get rid of (an undesirable part); eliminate: winnowing out the errors in logic.
b. To sort or select (a desirable part); extract.
You wrong on this one.. We will see, but if this development is successful and they don't do what you suggest. This will lead to private development also.
I hope I am wrong too. rIGHT NOW THAT AINT THE the greatest location, sandwiched between the still gritty Harding St and a 290 off ramp and 24/7 freight operation.
BTW where's the parking for that place...........quite a few spots acroos the street it seems.....but surely not the req'd 2 per unit????
Let's hope Worc Winns and doesnt get Winnowed.
So.....wasnt a 100 million $$$$$ commissioned to study the canal District proposal(s)? What's the status of the study and here's to hoping the Canal D. doesnt get City Sq'ed.
And Mr F. I AINT heard peep in ages?
I think the Chevalier building can be a real catalyst for this area. In fact, I hope they redevelop the building that abuts the Chevalier property after they're done with this project.
I don't know if the building next door is currently in use. Does anyone know? If it is being used it's quite an eyesore and can use an extensive rehab. If it is vacant, it presents a structural and/or fire hazard to the Chevalier building redevelopment. That may be enough to give prospective tenants pause before renting in the Chevalier building.
On a related note…
I was driving through May Street at Main and the trench that was dug for the sewer work is sinking. I hope the contractor is going to take care of this sooner rather than later. Traffic is bad enough at this intersection without driving around orange construction barrels due to poor back filling of the trench.
The keys to this project 50%,although I wish it was lower.
One and two bedrooms only.
One parking spot for each apartment.
OK, CM OBrien said last fall that we'd see the demolition work in progress by Jan 31st at teh latest. Well Ground Hog day, Valentines Day, Washington's Birthday, and now all of Febr have past. (Note I havent been near the City Sq area in maybe a week or so). If I drive by and still see teh encapsulating plastic sheathing still on the parking garage, I will truly be disappointed.
BTW, I also want to mention somehting else that I mentioned back in summaaaaah time 2008. Specifically, nothing will grow WOrcesters economy more than 5.00 or $6.00 gas. All of a sudden people are going to start realizing that their 40, 50, 60, or 70 mile automobile centric round trip commute to the east is looking mighty costly. Dittos for a commute via RR to Bawstin. This can definitely help the urban areas vs. a driving commute to the 495 outer beltway interstate.
Not sure how it would affect commutaaaah rail??? More reverse commutes to Worc? Fewer outbound commutes to Boston if Worc becomes a larger commercial center with more jobs??
Thots?? OPiniions?
David WTH are the huge grapples, the crushing equipemnt, the haul trucks, the cranes and wear half yew bin?? :)
Harry, I saw a piece about protests agaisnt the gentrificatiion of some area in Boston(?). Seems Whole Foods wants to take over a large neighborhood Ma & Pa Market and transition it to a Whole Foods...leaving teh 'hood' with holes in their hearts as they mourn teh passing of their old neighborhood grocery store. Yuppie Whole Foods getting Walmart'ed ???
Do we know what is req'd for parking.......2 spaces per apt??????
Sorry, but 50% low income is 50% too much.
We cant compromise on the fact that we want no more low income housing.....that being said....we really have little control over it either.
A gentrified Harding & Water Sts is NOT consistent with those who dont awake each day until noontime.
You want to see what few rotten apples can do to an expensive, suburban Detroit subdivision enclave of expensive sinlge family homes..........just google ... "Suburban detroit single family homes"
You are not listening to me. Of course we would like to see 100% market rate housing and 2 parking spots.
50% no-low, with one parking space limited to 1 ad 2 bedrooms. Top off Winn behind it. This is going to be a good project..
Trust me
Bill....SURELY YOU JEST SENOR'....good compared to what?
100% Low income residents?
100% low income with minimal/almost no parking?
100% low income CDC owned & Managed?
Now we're defining down our parameters for what is good housing vs no good housing.
Whats next, City Sq proposed housing goes 50% low income, too?
Remember the grand plans for Mr Soffans White Pinnacle at Main & Madison Sts. Dare I ask what it is now?
Remember the grand plans for Hadley to be mixed low/middle income?
TRUST your judgement on this project........MMMMMMMMMMM.........sorry not so sure of that ....I stopped drinking the Worc Kool Aid after The Paris of the 80's went flat on its gluteous maximus.
I Almost fell off the wagon when Worc Commons Outlets & Judith Light came to town.....but I caught myself just as I bellied up the bar :)
Jahn said, "Remember the grand plans for Mr Soffans White Pinnacle at Main & Madison Sts. Dare I ask what it is now?"
Jahn, I'm not sure but I think the Sky Mark Tower is a much different project now than it was just a few years ago. I recently attended an event at Worcester State University and they even had a full page advertisement in the program book. Check out their website in the link below.
Jahn said, "OK, CM OBrien said last fall that we'd see the demolition work in progress by Jan 31st at teh latest. Well Ground Hog day, Valentines Day, Washington's Birthday, and now all of Febr have past. (Note I havent been near the City Sq area in maybe a week or so). If I drive by and still see teh encapsulating plastic sheathing still on the parking garage, I will truly be disappointed."
Details in today's T&G:
David, sometime into the spring could bring us to almost 4th of July. almost 4 months hence.........and how many times is the boyfriend going to tell the GF the ring is on its way?
I mean how many more extensions of time can a true believer tolerate? Please dont tell me what Jordan says about it, clearly his info is unreliable.
I heard Jordan had Martha Croakley on today discussing non profit CEO salaries. Did any 1 catch it? I had to exit my car before MArtha was due to speak and when I got back into my car, Kate was talking to Jordan about somekind of $150,000 asphalt pothole machinery the city should look into? Jordans sidekick suggested the city lease it rather than buy it...rationalizing his lease vs buy decision by claiming it would needlessly tie up city capital during the 8 months it sits unused. Not sure who he was, but talk about inability to properly analyze a capital outlay decision.
Yes, sometimes I do catch Jordan. The car radio was on 580 when I started it this afternoon. Consider it Polito leftovers.
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