Route 146 is definately open and according to a comment Leicester is open??
Let me know what you know
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Leicester was open last night. I didn't go into the building, but I did drive through the parking lot and there were plenty of cars and people pushing carriages inside. The only report beyond a sentence I've seen was on The Daily Leicester which reported it was closed and the Leicester building inpsector called. I haven't seen anything else.
And now West Boylston is closed - my wife just called from there.
To make matters worse, the Target on Lincoln St is apparently a total mess because of their refurb. Nothing is where it's supposed ot be and they've got lots of stuff crammed too close together.
Mondays T&G reports the Worc Housing Authority will receive a $155,000 grant to be used toward a "personal improvement program".........HUH???..........
Program will attempt to place unemployed WHA resiedents into employment of some type via a personal improvement program
OMG word verificatin:
MATINGS !!!!!!
THE PROGRAM WILL BE VOLUNTARY.......HUH????? and if no one volunteeers to enter the program what happens to teh money?
Wasteful spending like this is craZY. We have a personal improvemtn program. It's called education and/or teh help wanted jobs listings.
I dont mean to be a hard +++..but.....Here is a bicyle and there is a are teh directions to the school....start peddling.
Awhile back teh WHA got anotehr grant to deal with teen pregnancies. I mena come on
Since when does teh Housing authority have to become a social service agency?
THne I flip the page and there is an article about all teh money non profits are spending on lobbying on Beacon Hill. So I am supposed to give of my money to non profit organizatiosn only to have thenm use this money to take more of my tax dollars from me.
Sorry, but I am getting tired of paying for thsi G.D. Merry go round.
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