Both are following Wisconsin, now Indiana and Ohio. Meanwhile in Massachusetts Govenor Patrick signs the bathroom bill via executive order.
No matter how you feel about this issue I just dont see how anyone can support legislators who have opted to abandon the jobs that they were elected to do. I only hope that these legislators, who have decided not to show, do not get paid.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Forget Devals bathroom bill, our city council and school committte are both off thsi week.
WHY when we're faced with:
a. Both of their prospective, if not current budgets, are upside down,
b. there's still no real City Sq activity.
c. Goodard-gate
d. Julie's replacement
e. Where dew we stand on courthouse RFP's
f. Canal District.
g. Blackstone Valley Visitors blackened ash??
h. Snow budget buried in red ink and the state aint got no more $$$$$$$ for cities & towns??
j. what did I miss?
Add Providence to heap of teachers for whom things are finally coming full circle to bite them in the ass.
Many times on here I have said these over paid govt 'ee problems would only be solved when the money runs out.
Did I hear that in Wisconsin they have exempted public safety 'ees from the pay cuts? (for now?) Divide and conquer?
If it was Gov. Jahnnie Walker in Wisconsin, the FF'ers would be front & center on his list.
a. FF'er hourly pay rate would NOT be cut
b. FF'er pay only when you're fighting fires.
c. DPW pay & work when you're not fighting fires and that includes the night shift, too. If it's snowing you plow snow. What better way to be out in the hood's watching for fires. I am even thinking of FF'es for trash collection. Again get it gets ya out in the hood with your eye on the look out for fires
d. No more Tri-Data public safety studies telling the city how to staff a fire truck or a fire barn. 3 men to a more 4 men to a truck. Who does Tri Data think they are?...The $45 per hr nurses telling the hospital how to staff teh place....geeesh.. Talk about the inmates running the asylum
e. two 12 hr shifts per day. 48 hour, 4 day hour work week..all straight time.
f. no more beds, pool tables or ping pong tables in fire barns. FWIW, you're there to work not play
g. FF'ers would be placed in State workmens comp. pool like the rest of the private sector working stiffs.
h. No more para military style organizational set up . There will a shift boss in each barn and peons, that's it.
i. No more heart & lung law. I mean why should 2 pack per day FF'ers be deemed automatically injured on the job when their lungs give out b/c of Joe Camel. If they can prove job realated injury, fine you're in teh regualr workmens comp system with the rest of blue collar working stiffs.
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