- She has never had to report to a School Committee before.
- She has never had to put together a budget
- She has no collective bargaining experience
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
From the Telegram (Thanks Nicole)
"This job is Ms. Boone's first as a superintendent, but it is not her first time reporting to an elected School Committee. In Norfolk, Va., where she was chief academic officer before coming to Worcester, the City Council appoints the school board, but in the Isle of Wight County, Va., public schools, where she was an assistant superintendent from 1997 to 2001, the board was elected."
Why would someone leave the Norfolk school system, move to Worc, and then all too often fly out of Worc. on Fridays to be with their family in Norfolk.
Unless the pay increase was so great, she couldn turn down the Worc opportunity?
Mark my words, if Ms. Boone, either by choice or not by choice leaves Worcester, they will hang it all on Konnie.
OT here but a day or 2 ago i meant to comment that i again read of Becker and their "Vidoe Game Programming Institute"(?) positionng themselves for feeding at the gubmint teet to fund this (mis)adventure.
What about my grandkids "Dirt & Trail Bike Safe Riding Institute" .............He needs a few million, too and some free land. gEEEEESH
Jahn: Why would hanging Boone on Konnie, her one big move as Mayor, be inappropriate if history shows Boone to be an abject failure?
Not sure what the WPS talk has to do with the gaming industry, but where are you seeing suckling as a part of the Becker proposal? I've been to a few of their meetings and all I've heard is talk of eliminating the Commonwealths outdated no-compete laws which cripple an industry which relies on freelancers, and tax incentives for private industry. I thought this was a pro-business crew?
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