I think it is safe to say that the budget for the School Department is going to be a tough one this year and for years to come. May I also suggest that a Housing policy that encourages densely concentrated developments with all sorts of variances increases student population and further increases the burden on the School Department.
The Executive Director of the South Worcester Neighborhood Center actually cited this as a reason we needed to build Southhgate Place (25 units of no-lo housing). Basically he said that if we don't start getting more students into Canterbury Street School that they may close it.
The Housing Policy in the City of Worcester has many many ripple effects. That is why we need this new housing study from RKG and this time, we need to listen.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Not sure where he got his information, but the elemenatary schools in particular are running at capacity right now, across the board. Canterbury's got a student population of 323 right now; while that's one of the smaller schools, it's also one of the smaller buildings.
I am not sure where the Executive Director gets any of his information either.
He mentioned this as a reason to approve this project to help fill the school and keep it open.
He also tells people that the abutters and immediate neighborhood wanted this project, which also is not true.
Sometimes I wish Worc was in the western Mass. congressional district. Jim Mcgovern gives us Joe Obrien.....I mean what else did the people think we were going to get?
The guy has probably never worked a real job in his life. dittos for his mentor Jim, too.
We have to start looking the property tax revenue that flows from these mega low in come housing projects...vs.... the fact that it costs Worc somwhere around 13,000 on average to educate a kid....
If the 25 new apts on Armory St yield only 20 new students, that's an educational tab to teh city of 260,000....which means the city would have to get in excess of $10,000 in property taxes from each apt......snowballs chance on a hot stove that Will ever happen. Then add in all oterh social costs that come with the poor...........
Then imagine if the number of new students is more like 25 or 30..which proably is the better estimate. Please show me a household or a business or even a non profit that purposely bows at the low income altar and in so doing impairs their future cash flows the way Worcester does.
And if the WHA folks over on Belmont St have their way....GBV residents will be transitioned to the new Main South apt units.
Movin' on up to teh South Side.......weeeeeee finalllyyy got a piece of the Canterberry pie !!!!!!!!!...(which pie will be sliced on .... one million dollar granite counters tops)...........
America the greatet place in the world to be poor and oddly enough it's the hated riches of capitalism that enables such a life of luxury on the dole.
pretty sure taht the mayor worked for an ambulance company in the past, and still picks up shifts occasionally
At the risk (as always, probably) of getting too financial wonkish: do keep in mind that WPS gets only about 1/3 of its funds from the city. If you add in federal grants--which would matter for Canterbury, as it's a school eligible for Title I funds--it's less than that.
There's an amount the state sets each year for educating a student (with various cohort groups represented: costs are different depending on age and need) according to the foundation budget; is that where you're getting your numbers, Jahn?
Well if Mayor joe did work for an ambulance company he should know the city is seeing red, citys blood pressure is low, and he'd better call in the economic life flight helicopter if he ever expects to be mayor again and even then the life flight helicopter might crash and burn. Opps wait I forgot, the helipcopter burns fossil fuels, scrap that idea, he'd best ride his no carbon foot print bicycle to the hospital ER .......(Economic Resusitation)
Tracey, Tracey, Tracey, my dear lady friend. If it costs $6,000 per month to run your household and Bill pays $2,000 of it and Paulie Pays $2,000 of it & you pay $2,000 of it........how much does it cost to run your entire household (school dept)? Beware this is may appear on next Junes Gooddard Mcas :)
If my seccion ocho household costs $3,000 to run and Section 8 pasy $700 of my rent and Joe For Oil pays $400 monthly toward my heating bill, and I get $500 in food stamps monthly, and I get an $800 per month SSI check and each of the fathers of my 3 kids give me $200 per month ($600 total)....what does it really cost cost to run my household?
= 3,000
Just bustin' on ya :)
Burt honestly Traceys, often local gov't does know anyhting about true cost..........b/c just it comes from DC or Beacon hill so thats what they call free money...
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