- City of Worcester owns the land
- Fits into the character of the abutting properties and businesses
- Spent millions already on the roads to enter and exit the South Worcester Industrial Park
- Centally located
- Close proximity to highways
- Mountain of salt less then 1/4 mile away on Southbridge Street
- Bring jobs to the neighborhood that desperately needs it
- In general it will solidify the neighborhood
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Are we supposed to guess the one reason reason why?
Ok I'll bite. Now buses and most or maybe all DPW trucks are not 13' 6" high like many box trucks are........but there are many low RR bridges in the area?
Then there's the tale of the 10 wheeler garbage truck the city bought that sits a bit higher than the more traditional 6 wheeled garbage trucks.........so high in fact that DPW dudes tell me it tends to hit tree limbs in some of our more toney treed 'hoods..like Montvale.
So the truck instead is often used in a stationary capacity for yard waste collection. Last saw it at Foley Staduim awhile back...opps i mean Commerce Field...near the Village of Pauliemont......not lotsa trees there.....altho there's plenty of folks in VOP who just stand around all day. Maybe a beetle infestation could do teh 'hood some good :)
OK bill, I give up, what is the one issue that you're asking us to guess re this site?
Speculation.....so WRTA goes to the local political establishment and tells them to tell the gas co that WRTA wants the site. S/b a done deal given that the gas company is a regulated public utility.
So..........I think S Worc Indurstrial park site is not in the loop. BTW, has our Mayor taken an active role in SWIP? If it was S Worc Residential park, I think he'd be front and center.
Rumor has it that Clark Univ. has the code dept out in force in the immediate Clark Univ 'hood checking sidewalks, etc. I am telling you Clark calls up Code dept and they immediately jump into action....all b/c the non tax paying Clarkie students dont have properly cleared sidewalks to walk on of late.
ANd yet the Mason St Worc Common Grd site continues to linger, over grown, over snowed, over filled, and under fenced. Maybe a call to the state authorities will get some action. City inaction on this site is reprehensible but they'll bust on a 3 decker owner in a heart beat.
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