Lost power at my house, my mon's and at work. Crazy week just posted ten comments.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Yea bill too bad you dont free up the comment section so everyone can post not just your flunkies.
The Village of Piedmont is clearly the place to live in Central Mass......no ice storm issues, no asian longhorn beetle, no loss of electricity, crime way down...life is pretty good down here in the fragrant bowels of the city
I hate to have say this, but I will vote tomorrow, however i will probably only pull the lever 2-3 times.
I will not vote for any Candidate with a union endorsement and this is from a guy who once paid union dues eons ago working a private sector job.
Sad but it's about time the taxpayers were running this town and not laundered union money. Laundered from taxpayers to the city treasury to city 'ees to city.
Great countries always fail when some can indirectly vote themselves money from the public treasury.
Paulie, I am thinking you should invite Herman to NOLA fest 2012? Whaddaya think? Even if he aint in contention?? The guy is a bit of a character. Seat him beside Havana Jim??
THE VIP....fragrant bowels of the city???.....surely you jest....dare i ask what fragrances.............Panama Red, Alcapulco Gold, or Mason St Ragweed?
What would Azel say :)
Yea Wild Will you have been holding out on us flunkies....you have genius types callin' in and you aint tellin' us
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