This use to be alot of fun. Remember when a guy stopped by the store and introduced himself , Jeff Barnard (WormTown Taxi). We talked for a while and he left saying we should meet for coffee. After that we met either two or three times on Cambridge Street, not to mention several e-mails.
It reached a high point when WoMag did a story and a bunch of us, with a wide range of perspectives, all met on Park Ave. It really was a great time. Through the blog I have also gotten to know alot of real good people like Dave Z, Sprout and Harry T that I never would have met
Flash forward to today. . A good thing where people could express their varying views has been turned into a place where people attack other people anonymously. Just like to take a second for a shout out to Jeff, you are missed.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I am reading about the T&G and their top 10 stories of 2011. I think you can make a vote for a top 10 story(s)?
But talking about the need to police or moderate public media domains, doesnt the T&G see the error of their ways if they make a decision to run with a particular story that broke last spring that resulted in an individual being publicly humiliated/belitted?
Does the T&G audience or the T&G itself really want to make people and their families re-live such a terrible occurrence. Cant the T&G sympathize and/or empathize? This story is no different, for example, than re-running a gang rape story that might have taken place in front of city hall as one of the citys' top ten news stories. I sure hope Mr Nemeth uses his editorial discretion before re publicizing this event again.
Jeff was the glue that held the blogging community together; a true gentleman...a champion of Worcester ... truly, truly missed... it was an honor to have known him and be his friend...
Harry T
I wouldn't worry too much what anonymous people have to say. I post annonymously because when I used my real name, you suggested that I was hiding behind a fake name (It was a situation where I disagreed with you, but did not attack you). Since you believed my name to be fake, I realized that I might as well just post annonymously. However, I am not a annonymous poster who attacks you. I have never done that. I like your blog and I hope you don't let the bullies get to you.
Let me follow up on Jeff as a true gentleman. We had some things we agreed on and many others we did not, but he was always there to answer a question I had or argue with me over a point that I made on the blog.
It was fun and I actually enjoyed every time that he stopped by.... You can disagre with people and be a gentleman.
...and a tip of the cap to the other bloggers that have dropped out of the cyberworld who always had a good post to read... Gabe, 4-Rilla, Big Asshole, Paulie, Brendan Melican, etc (and anyone I may have forgotten) could count on them for a great read...maybe they will enter the blog-o-sphere down the road again?
Granted, social media has replaced blogging ... but a lot of the blogs broke news stories weeks, or in some cases ...MONTHS before the local media ever picked up the stories...
Harry T
Anonymous comments
I allow them if they are not just personal attacks.
There have been more then one from jahn(he can attest to it) that I feel he may have crossed the line.
Bottom line is for me personally blogging is simply not as much fun without guys like Wormie and some of the others who have decided to pack it in
Agreed ...speaking of Jeff, there was one anonymous blogger I recall who went after his widow Kathy for passing the blogroll over to Nicole... same individual never even paid tribute to Jeff ...just decided to pick a fight with his widow...just days after his funeral; this is how low some people will sink to...
Harry T
And to steal phrase from Harry T, Jeff was also a fine wordsmith and wrote very well.
Did he once tell us that he had aspired to be a writer and was trained/educated in that discipline.
I know that few times I may have crossed the line and I didnt get published. I have no problems with that.
I prefer to stay as Jahn b/c years ago I publicly took on the city and a few of their minions twice and I dared to question the propriety of their actions.
Their retribution/retaliation cost me $1,000's and eventually they conceded when I pointed out to them that what I did was exactly what they were allowing other people & organizations to do.
One of the issues was more than 3unrelated people renting an apt. and back then the fine was $100 per day. I think it's now $300 per day. There were no tenants behavioral issues. In fact the 4 people were MD students at UMass Med. who had their noses in the books 17 hrs a day.
At the time the city had decided to sponsor a "share a home" type program for families who were homeless. Big aRTICLE ABOUT IT IN ThE t&g. Problem is it violated city laws b/c the "share a home" program resulted in 4-5 unrelated people in dwelling unit. So i pointed this out to city code dept and to city solicitor. End of Problem for Jahns 4 unrelated tenants. It' s this kinda BS that goes on day in and day out in Worc that frosts my guleteous maximus. My Latest as you all know.....The city can have a tree growing up through on of their properties for years and it aint a problem but for me it would be.
Oddly enuough the T&G reports that this former city solicitor is now fighting this very ordinance and may be appealing to state Supreme crt.
Anonymity doesnt cost me any retaliation form City :).
what is disturbing on this latest CYBER BULLY defrocking is that he has sat in on meetings many that he has anonymously bashed were at..he has had access to our state reps and state senators who we rely on and he may have used information from this access to further his CYBER BULLYING....his paycheck comes from the very folks who he has attacked....he has supervised children from Main South who deeply need honorable men with morals in their lives......lets all be happy! One Prick down a few more to go:>)
I am truly honored for being mentioned in the same blog as Jeff. I only met Jeff once, at the first NOLA fest, but his passion for our city was unmistakable and his writing always first rate even when you didn’t necessarily agree with him.
I never put two and two together until Jeff’s passing that Joanne Barnard List was his sister. Jeff was probably at the same Zonkaraz shows I attended so many years ago. It truly is a small world especially in the biggest little town in Massachusetts, Worcester.
In spite of the new social media outlets, I truly hope the blogosphere continues to live. Not only in Jeff’s honor but as Harry pointed out, we need a source for news in Worcester!
Maybe Jahn should start a blog? JAHN-CAN-BLOG ?!?!?!?!
Harry T
Bill - I count you, Jeff, and many other folks from the Worcester blogosphere as one of the big reasons I'm happy I got involved with blogging. Thanks for providing a place for discussion!
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