Click here. Sorry , again the blog was taken but here is a section from the blog that I copied before it was taken down.
Reported to me today. When Governor Patrick Came to visit, Bill Randell was yelling at him form his booze shop. Which I might ad gets caught all the time for peddling booze to kids. "You're not doing your job" and "Get off my lawn you Crazy kids" Bill Randell, I would equate him to an even more delusional Frank Burns. Now he's got this out of date map he keeps bringing u p on his blog (like anyone give a shit)
I actually remember the day that Governor Patrick showed up for this, but I was not even around that day. If I was, I would have most likely been on the porch across the street, where Governor Patrick actually stopped and had a picture take with Bill LeHane that appeared in the Telegram.
"The Count", I was not standing outside the liquor store, which has been cited once from 1976 for selling alcohol to minors, yelling at Governor Patrick?? If I did talk to him, however, I would have asked him to stop sending any more grant to money to Worcester to build any more low income housing.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
11 comments:!/profile.php?id=1311474807
for those that want to see the pic of the day on "The Count" aka Stuck in COW (City of Worcester)....he may be stucked to the back wall of Starbucks on Grove Street by his former bosses or perhaps Ray Mariano will throw him out a window onto Rt 290:>) after he finds out what a terrible hire he just made!
I am curious when this day was that Deval found the time to stop by the COW. Was it summertime late in the week while Deval was on his way to his Million $$$$ manse in Berkshires and did he have Toby the Lab with him on a leash? He was photo-opt w/Toby quite a few times about 2 summers ago(?)after PITA was all over his posterior about closing the Stoneham Zoo and euthanizing a few primates. On ocassion, He also shows up in town for funerals and wakes. The man is fraud and rumor has it he milked Coca-Cola for millions in exchange for his ties to the the Clinton Dept of Justice to settle all kinds of discrimination suits that were filed against Coke. Thanx to Jim McGovern for giving us 8 years of joke of a governor
Bill how much you wanna bet the "The Count" imbibed more than his share of adult beverages when he was under age. And of course we all know how kids get their hands on these beverages...with perfectly dulpicated fake ID's that they present to unknowing retailers.
And BTW, there's grass (the front lawn kinda grass) at your establishment? I though you had paved paradise and put up a parking lot there?
Also hey Pualie, nice of you to stop by for Christmas there stranger :) I am still waiting for my Xmas present, too. Did ya send it from sommerville?........must be stuck up in the UPS break bulk terminal up in Chelmsford....HUH???? :( better late than never :)
Deval stopp by when Southgate Place was finished. The site of another commercial property, City Builders, that was transformed to low income housing at the cost of something like 300K per unit.
The funny thing is I was not even there that day. I wish I was since he stopped by the porch across the street that I most likley would have stood on watching the ceremony and a picture was in the Telegram.
I would not have yelled at him but pointed out 1) the cost per rental unit, 2) another commercial property off the tax rolls and 3) we are way baove the state minimum required low income housinging --please send grant monies for future low income housing to other communities who need to reach the state minimum.
we should all start hanging out at Starbucks on Grove Street.......rumor has it we can meet our lastest defrocked CYBER BULLY on a regular basis:)
Have gotten no less than eight private correspondences on our latest postah boy for bad CYBER for the day "let the good times roll" Earl King- New Orleans
Bill, you should consider filing a defamation against this person.
he just got a job with the Worcester Housing Authority.....and he spent the summer working with Main South kid's......all on our dime!
I couldn't help it Senor Pedro Jahn..I drank it...every drop:>)
Paulie, I heard you can get re- fill on Canterbury St at good price too :)
If you're not in the VOP, there's always Chatham Wine & Spirits. Not sure but is there still a packie next to the S. Chatham PO?
BTW I do beer, not any hard stuff.
Market next to South Chatham post office tseems to close for remodeling often.....I use the po in harwich on rt 28.....
S. Harwich ( little roadshack) or Harwichport ( shopping center) PO on Rte 28?
Please be more specific when you post on Bill's Blog :).
Which one did you use to mail my cash laden Xmas card b/c it still isnt here yet :( and I need Mad Money for Woo 1st Night :) .....which Womag says is kind of dying a slow death along with other area 1st nights??????
<<<<<<<<<< wonders if the reported slow demise of Woo 1st Night can be traced to the change in Woo's demographics in the last decade(s)
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