- Suppose Person A contacts Person B and tells him that he know that he is the owner of an anonymous Blog C, that attacks people.
- Blog C is listed on Person B's Facebook as a site he owns.
- The on-line profile of Person B's Facebook is identical to the on-line profile of Blog C.
- Within 12 hours of Person A's initial contact with Person B, Blog C, which has been around for 2+ years, suddenly disappears.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill: The kid is young and has fallen into the wrong crowd hanging out with Willy Wanker...keeps diggin' himself a deeper hole everytime he uses the Bill Clinton 'I did not have technical relations with that blogger' bit ... best bet would be for him just to admit he screwed up and move on with his life...
We all make mistakes...fess up...and move on, plain and simple... we will forgive him , we're all human...
Harry T
I just think of what my 20s were like...legendary partying...wine, women and song....THANK GOD, there were no iPhones, internet, Facebook back then! Ran with a pretty wild pack in the late 80s/early 90s ... basically the musclehead version of Motley Crue ...
Peter...if you're reading this...it's not too late to do what's right and make all this BS go away...
You have parents that are respected members of the community, working for the local newspaper and university... a pretty girlfriend who is in love with you and has a bright future ahead of her...
...do you REALLY want to throw it all away being associated with Willy Wanker, who runs the most hate filled blog in Woo and possibly drag them all down, too? He is TOXIC and you will be toxic if you follow him ... being an aspiring politician...think long and hard about who you are associated with... campaign manager gigs may be hard to come by in the next municipal elections if you are hanging with with some dork, dim witted dullard (and those are just the Ds) who hides behind his ANONYMOUS blogger status...
Think about it...
Why am I trying to help? I have no beef with you... I actually found the whole dust up between you all quite comical...but then Bill brought up Jeff Barnard and someone has to fill Jeff's role in making the peace among the blogging community, hopefully I can fill that role...
Harry T
You are killing me. I was thinking the same exact thing. Especially thinking that after seeing your pictures from the Big 80"s. Thank god they did not have social media for you.
Today I call it the Andy Petite/Roger Clemens syndrome. They both did steroids, we all know that. Petite said I f---- up and does anyone care? Everyone f----- up.
Roger (and Rafael P and McGwire) denies they did anything wrong (lets throw in Barry Bonds) and what has happened?
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