Click here (blog has been taken down) bascially rips me for posting videos of some of Governor Christie's press conferences. Truth be told I think the guys has some hilarious youtube videos, but as far as what his polices are, I don't know. Here are the key lines from the post:
It's more he idol worships the man to the point where he'd probably get on his knees in the Governor's mansion and pull a Monica....But I digress. This my friends is who Bill wants running our state, A buffoon with the IQ of a sea monkey.
Here is one of the videos I have posted
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
google saved it for you here
(The internet is written in ink, not pencil)
i will update the link
steve if you find any other cached links to blogs feel free to post
Steve did google save "The Count" profile? matches up perfect with the gentleman in questions facebook:>) I have all hard copied on paper for some important folks in the city to read over coffee at Starbucks on Grove Street....both like Les Miserables, both like The Lord of the Rings, both read The Economist, both in government, both like college hockey.....amazing the similiar interests:>)
Anyway, I have a nice pic of "The Count" hugging his client Virginia Ryan after the election and a "The Count" nasty comment about his client after the election up at:
google cache also saved his facebook page that shows he claimed ownership of stuckincow blogspot but he has since taken down
a fine piece about our City Manager in Woo...worked for a Woo CDC and now the Woo Housing Authority and yet he knocks everyone in the city...OY VEY
Hobbit? Les Miserables? Lord of the Rings?!?!?!? When I was in my 20s my only focus was chicks, chicks and more chicks ... money, travel, partying and more chicks... where has this generation gone wrong?!?!?!?
Harry T
Are Shaggy and Scooby Doo hearing the villain say, "Curses FOLEY'd , again" ?!?!?!?!?
Harry T
Just saw the request for more:
WOW! Pretty damning evidence...
Harry T
God Harry must be on vacation this week?????
I counted 8 cow posts in this thread!
Harry T
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