- what is the public good
- what is the development plan
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Any truth to the rumors that there are plans for a THIRD skating rink there?
PS--new motto for Worcester: "Worcester: the city that skates"
We need to start a list of the projects, big and small, that the city has botched over the years and we need to ask the CC how in lord's name they will ever succeed with the WG property.
a. Union Station
b. Common Skating Rink
c. The Airport
d. All the unfulfilled TIFs
e. S. Worc Indust Park
f. BlkSton Valley Visitor Cntr
g. The Leaky Common Garage
h. 10yr. re-hab Rogers Memorial.
If a casino ever comes to pass at WG site, do y'all suppose the CC will be as anxious to giveway or close off streets to the casino operator as they are to Clark U, WPI, and soon to HC?
And of course the mouse that roars on the CC says we can no longer stand by while a part of downtown (WG is part of Downtown...huh?) wastes away. Maybe someone needs to tell the CC that downtown Main St is littered
with empty storefronts, cannot even support a Mcd's, and that soon another long time downtown officer tower will be nothing more than pile of 3/4 inch aggregate.
Next they will be saying the Price Chopper on Mill St is part of downtown and we need to take that, too.
And they'd better set aside any unused $10M amounts for what I think is going to be a 7 to 8 figure lawsuit(s) verdict or settlement.
maybe they can take the airport by eminent domain, thats vacant too.
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