In case you have not hear, Delta is discontinuin its low fare carrier, Song Airlines! Song was Delta's attempt to compete with discounters on the East Coast but it never made money.
Considering Indepence is in trouble, Song is no more, SouthEast went out of business along with TransMerdian, do you think Venture Capitalists will be lined up to give DJAir group 100 million?
1 comment:
"...do you think Venture Capitalists will be lined up to give DJAir group 100 million?"
Yes! All the other air carriers were casualties of the high cost of jet fuel, post 9/11 security costs, and labor deals signed during the "go go" years. As the "legacy" carriers and/or discounters who started up pre 9/11 start to fail, more landing spots will become available at high profile destinations, thus allowing start ups who have learned from the other carriers mistakes to be able to raise plenty of money as the demand for air travel has not fallen (as Southwest and Jetblue will attest). Labor will also be plentiful from the experienced flight attendants, mechanics, etc who would jump from the legacy carriers to be able to get involved in a startup operation.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, Ma
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