My wife flew Allegiant last Monday to Sanford-Orlando and returned last Thursday.. Here are her thoughts:
My travel experience with Allegiant Air out of Worcester was very positive. The Airport makes a very nice first impression for passengers. It is refreshing to see airport employees that smile, wish you a good day, and even greet you by name. Besides the warm welcome and friendly service. the Airport itself looks great. It is clean & neat, easy to find your way, and of course, no lines or traffic jams. I would recommend the Worcester - Orlando flight to others. The other passengers I spoke with were also very happy and relieved the flight took off, despite the fog & rain.
The only other items to note/compare are that Sanford Airport was much larger than Worcester, but old and in need of remodeling. It was also evident that the actual airplane was an older model, but well maintained with a friendly and helpful staff.
My last concern was that both flights were only half full. I hope that that Allegiant can maintain success to warrant perhaps more destinations, flights and attract other airlines to Worcester. As you can see the "clock is ticking" and we need to aggressively market all the positives about the airport.
Once again, if your going to Florida, you will not be disappointed with this flight! From a pricing perspective, this was the lowest airfare I found - inlcuding Southwest. So, go ahead and check it out!
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Glad she had a nice flight.
Let me add the picking and dropping off at ORH, versus driving to Boston/TF Green/Hartford/Manchester (airports that we have used) was awesome.
One negative... Airport Drive is still a complete mess!!!
have her write a letter to the editor!! There have been a few in the T&G that are positive. You should reprint those as well. Sometimes you get caught up in criticism! Congrats on being positive!!
Nobody is more positive about the airport then me... I believe it can be a huge asset, but how long can we pretend that we are not losing $2,000,000 per year.
Evidently you have never run a business. Numbers do not lie..
The airport is bleeding cash badly and we need to address those problems..
Bill Randell
PS I may have her write a letter but I will tell her to sign it as "anonymous".
One last question... You say I get caught up in criticism... Please tell me one time that I criticized ORH, when it was not backed by fact.
Pointing out deficiencies at ORH is not negative criticism but reality. If you want to reprint letters to the editor, be my guest,set up your own web site/blog solely dedicated to the being "positive" about ORH.
Bill Randell
Worcester Airport is not run like a business so why should you expect to make a profit.
Go to the Telegram and Gazette archives section and type in Worcester Airport. You'll see this has been going on for years no matter how positive we are.
Most Recent Anonymous:
That is the problem ORH needs to be run like a business and currently it is not... How anyone thinks positive letters to the editor will make a big difference is scary?
At the same time earlier anonymous (Tom Moore is right, this anonymous thing is out of control), you got your letter to the editor today.. I will put up as blog.
As we continue to lose $2,000,000 per year, these are the letters that you will see to the editor.
OK so this unidentified person (WHO could it be, huh, Bill?) is saying that the airport is not run like a business, and that we should not expect a profit, so, they're saying we're supposed to accept these LOSSES??? With schools closing, health care climbing, and budgets being unmanageable? Basic advice prevails! For anyone who has found themselves in a hole, what's the first thing you do? STOP DIGGING!
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