The last week or so there has been alot of talk about how Green Hill should have the ability to sell beer and wine to help cut the operating deficit, which is approximately $100,000 per year. Without getting into the beer and wine issue, I only wish the same emphasis was placed on ORH to raise revenues especially when the cost of ORH to the tax-payers of Worcester was over $400,000 for only the first six months of fiscal 2007. Not to mention the fact our percentage of the operating deficit increases from 15% to 32% in two months (July 1st then) ends completey in 14 months (July 1st, 2007).
Current MassPort agreement with the City of Worcester. The percentage is the right hand column represents the portion of the operating deficit covered by MassPort. The remaining balance is the responsibility of the City of Worcester.
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
MassPort pays 68% of operating deficit not including debt service
July 1, 2005 -June 30, 2006
MassPort pays 85% of operating deficit not including debt service
July 1, 2004 -June 30, 2005
MassPort pays 100% of operating deficit not including debt service
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
One comment to my blog... Although one may say charging for parking at the airport was good for revenues, I disagree. In the short-term in may help (not alot), but in the long-term "FREE PARKING" would bring more revenues.
Any secondary airport in the country which has achieved some level of success has FREE PARKING. Every retail business needs a draw, ORH can not sell cheap 12 pacs of Coke but they can offer FREE PARKING to bring passengers.
I have to agree with you Bill regarding emphasis (or the lack thereof) placed on ORH by our elected representatives.
One only has to look at the T&G for the last few days to see that Mr. McMcGovern has clearly placed foreign affairs at the forefront of his immediate agenda. Has he made his annual pilgrimage to Havana this year?
Likewise, Mr Murray is clearly more worried about passenger and commuter rail service to the likes of New London Ct., Hartford,Ct., and Providence, RI. than he is with ORH. Would passenger rail service through the Blackstone Valley enhance the draw of T F Green or ORH?
Also Bill, does debt service refer to the total debt payment or to interest only or to principal only portion of the debt? I would guess it refers to the total debt, but given how words can be misread or miscontrued one never knows for sure.
E.g. and I paraphrase:
Weather related landing problems with a Cat 1 landing system ORH are non existent.
For the record I am not Mr Charles Farley
the line item in the budget simply says "debt service".. Does that include interest only or amortized, I do not know but I will find out.
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