This was the third, or maybe fourth time, that the Telegram has written an editorial saying that the name change to include Boston in the airport name was a good idea. Please, please change the name already, so we do not ever have to discuss this again and let us move onto issues like getting more airlines. Let me, however address a couple things into today's editorial:
"Worcester airport would pop up on computer searches by people traveling to the region."
This is true. What will people find-- 4 flights per week to Sanford. We need to have airlines for people to fly when Worcester MetroWest Boston Airport "pops" on their screen to make ORH a viable option to be taken seriously.
"The name change also would signal to airlines considering entering the Southern New England market that Worcester’s proximity to Boston makes it a potential alternative for air travelers"
Not only will passengers consider Worcester now, but so will airlines with the name change??? Evidently the strategic flight planners for the airlines are not exactly sure where Worcester is in relation to Boston, but now will with the name change?
Lastly I will be posting last month's board minutes, which includes a letter from Bob Nemeth, a columnist for the Telegram/past aiport commission chairman/current airport commission board member, on behalf of the airport commission explaining their preference for the name change. Is it just me or should the Telegram post a footnote stating that one of their columists is on the Airport Commission, when writing an editorial supporting decisions by the airport commission. If you ever read a story regarding an stock, the writer always puts a disclaimer on the bottom that they in fact own this stock.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
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