This is the company that bought out ASA and they are doing pretty well financially. Check out their route map:
Flying as a Delta Connection to the hub in Chicago, this would be a great flight especially with their fleet of CRJ's and Embraers. ComAir, another Delta connection, would be nice flying to the other Delta hub, Cinncinnati, but I just do not see ComAir coming here when they fly out of Boston..
SkyWest is expanding and is bigger, maybe they could be convinced to fly out of ORH?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
SkyWest would be a nice fit with dailey flights to the midwest and beyond. What about Delta and there expansion at New York from airports in the North East? Every airport in New England seems to have service to NY.
I agree, but I think we are back to the same problem trying to get JetBlue to divert some of their planes to Worcester. You know the arguement that we are flying Boston-NYC, why do we need to fly ORH-NYC..
I think the arguement can be won, but we need to very aggressive.
Look at some of the cities on the SkyWest and ASA route map. We should be able to convince them to begin here. I know Massport has picked up the bill but I hate to be here next year with only 1 airline wondering if Massport will help us out again. We should have multiple airlines by now. I know there are problems at ORH but we are the third largest city in New England and 911 was 5 years ago. Lets hire a management group if Massport doesn't want to take over and give them a budget and timeline to turn the airport around. If they fail then try again with someone else.
I thought the same thing when I saw the SkyWest route map.. They have a large fleet, have planes on order and fly into cities similar to ORH.
The more carriers we get in now, the more attractive ORH becomes to a potential buyer.
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