There are a couple different ways you can look at this. I more then understand where Tom is coming from when he says that a person should post his name, but at the same time maybe someone may be embarassed (for whatever reason) to put their name on the blog. In the end, how do I know Charley Farley is not Charley Farley or if Dave H is Dave H--should I ask for ID's? Anonymous posting stays, unless it gets either vulgar or starts attacking people.
My only comment to the anonymous poster, who called the blog negative this week, quoting Tom, "what's negative about asking for accountability from our government?" In the end there are alot of questions about "salaries and fringe", maybe we should have a city councilor file an order to clarify the situation? What do you all think (including all your anonymous posters). Put your comments here.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill, it must be real nice for anonymouses to comment on serious topics without any accountability for what they say. Tough to have a conversation when you don't know who you are talking to. They just surf by, glance at a topic, and puke out some dim spark of a thought. Makes me sick. Identify yourself or go away. If you're not part of a solution, you ARE the problem.
Like I said I agree with you. People should post their names. At the same time there is no way to monitor identies so their comments stay.
All I ask is for people to seriously sign their name versus putting anonymous...
you want me to post here. I hold back 90% of what i could say b/c it may cross my ethical standards. I wouldnt post the 10% if I couldnt post this way.
post any percentage you want.. good to have you on the blog.
Anonymous holds back 90% of what he/she could say because it crosses his/her ethical standards? What does that mean??? And he/she wouldn't post the other 10% if he/she couldn't do it anonymously??? What???
So, just to rephrase, he/she wants to be part of the dialogue, but will only share one tenth of what he/she thinks. Useless. And no one else can know what his/her background or intent is. Their contribution to the blog effectively becomes MOOT. It is people like THEM that are: draining resources from advocating for POSITIVE developments, like selling ORH, encouraging fiscal responsibility at the city and state level, and promoting individual accountability on the part of the airport liaison, director, and tenants.
Bill, if I was a tenant of yours, I'd only give you 10% of what I owed you because giving you the other 90% would "cross my ethical standards."
Is it not presumptuous to state that Anonymous owes us or the blog anything, be it 0%, 10% 90% or 100%?
An anonymous tip, complaint or information can works wonders, be it the police dept, the city budget, the T&G, etc. On How many ocassions have we all read or heard the words, "according to anonymous sources", and then quickly proceeded to read on.
People have their reasons for anonymity, especially when politics is involved. Wocester is a small town in many ways and politcal payback can be over the top.
Just ask the three divot digging, charity minded, middleaged Marlboro men. In a period of less than 48 hours they were lugged, booked, released, arraigned and dismissed all in the name of a political vendetta?
The city council should be offering an apology and a free lifetime pass to Greenhill for the manner in which this was handled. Given a choice will these men opt to play golf at Greenhill again or given a choice will they fly from Marlboro, Logan or Worcester Airport in the future.
On this issue, I like to know who I'm talking to. Tips to a PD "Hotline" are a completely different, necessary tool that law enforcement greatly appreciates. But I believe we have seen the dangers that such papers as the NYT have encountered when a reporter referred to anonymous sources, and it was later revealed that he had fabricated the entire story he submitted. Brought credibility into question. I didn't realize that some of us have such a prestigious career that they cannot be revealed on this blog. Shall we dub you Worcester's own "Deep Throat"? Do you know where the bodies are buried?
Get over yourself. Whatever you have to say, let us know what percentage it is so we can cover the balance with a real thick blanket of Skepticism.
First names only are just as anonymous as no names at all.
So, why don't anonymouses put up first names? Make it up, if you're really petrified of being revealed. Do you agree that remaining anonymous weakens your position, whatever you have to say? I might AGREE with you, but as long as you hide, I can't.
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