Front page of today's paper--"The Landing Field That Time Forgot". Evidently the two digital clocks above the baggage carousel were not moved forward an hour ahead for daylight savings. Right now the time is one hour behind the actual time. What is the solution?
The short-term plan is to put up two battery-operated clocks next to the two digital clocks.. So will passengers now see two different times? I say lets put up two more clocks with the West Coast time, so we have three seperate times and write above each clock West Coast, Midwest and East Coast. Why don't we simply change the digital clocks?
A worker in the city's Technical Department has to crack the system's code to make the changes to these 12 year old digital clocks. One would think that there would be a manual for a 12 year old system with a section to change the time? Evidently not. Does this mean then that the past 12 years that these clocks have been slow an hour every year from the first Sunday of April till the last Sunday of October (day light savings)?
The long-term plan is to spend $15,000 on a new system to show the correct time. Julie Jacobcson, Assistant City Manager had to try and explain why this is was the case, which is not fair to her (worrying about the clocks at ORH). Give her credit she said "there is no excuse" for this situation. Why did the Assistant City Manager have to answer for this situation?
Airport Manager Eric Waldron did not return three calls yesterday to the Telegram Reporter. Does he ever return calls or e-mails?? As soon as I get the airport minutes for the April minutes that were approved Monday at the May meeting from our airport liaison, I will post. Maybe there is something about the clock situation in the minutes?
These must be high tech clocks. It would be funny if someone checked into the problem and found two button on the back that said "minutes & hours - press to adjust".
I just get a kick out of Waldron...like he is "MR. Big Buisness Man"...I just get a kick out of it
Rumor has it Jay Leno's Headlines segment next Monday day may feature two T&G headline clippings.
The first clipping will read:
"Worc, Right Time, Right Place".
The second will read: "Worc Airport Clock Displays Wrong Time For 1/2 Of The Last 13(?) Years.
Rosie Ruiz would love this clock.
i was thinking that even a broken clock is right twice per day....
Time to check the AndyMilaClockis
Oh yah ,Son
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