City Council Report:
We have spent alot of time on what the loads were and were not. In the end Allegiant pulled out because they were not making a profit. We need to figure out what we need to do differently so another airline that comes to ORH will make money and stay. Here are the average loads from the report in case you can not open:
Dec 80.04%
Jan 83.19 %
Feb 80.95%
March 84.95%
April 81.03
May 69.34%
June 71.32%
July 88.68%
August 84.77%
avg monthly load 80.47%
Lets hope Festival Airlines takes a serious look at ORH
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
pull up the council agenda on line. Even more telling are the daily averages the past three months. Worcester was certainly putting people on the planes!
I have a link there for people to access and list the numbers showing how good the loads were recently????
That why I asked we need to figure out why they could not make any money. The planes were pushing 90% the past couple of months, why couldn't these numbers result in profits for Allegiant??
Why is Allegiant staying in Portsmouth and Newburgh, but had to leave ORH?? Are there fees unique to ORH?? Are we more expensive then these other markets??
I do not know the answer but we need to find out .
Ramdom thoughts:
Were we not at only 2 planes per week during summer... fewer flights prob. means fuller capacity on those that do fly...yet less in total revenue/passengers?
did Allegiant have to incur fixed costs regardless of how many flights/ maintaining a ticket counter??
Steve, i think at some point during the winter Alleg. added larger planes that carried 160 vs the usual 130?? So anything over 100% capacity may be incorrectly skewing the stats higher.
E.g. if a 160 passenger plane carried 150 it s/b listed as 93% capacity and NOT as a 130 passenger plane at 100% load???
I suggest that an average payroll at $100K per 'employeee inevitably leads higher terminal costs.
What is Alleg. load factor at Portsm or Newburgh or elsewhere. Van we get it from FAA site ?
In most industries a 90%+ utilization is considered to be quite good. What is the comm. passenger airline industry average load factor per flight?
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