Just thought of this today. An airport that has primary airport status, which is attained when you have 10,000 emplanements, entitles the airport to $1,000,000 from the FAA. Although we did not have 10,00 passengers in 2003, 2004 or 2055, we were still given the $1,000,000. At the same time we were endanger of losing primary airport status and the $1,000,000.
Allegiant alone qualified ORH for the 1st time in 4 years to attain primary airport status ensuring ORH of the $1,000,000. For this we should thank Allegiant.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I am surprised to hear we got the money w/o metting the 10K goal. BTW, is the measuring stick a calendar year or the city fiscal year (June 30) ?
It aint looking too good now for meeting 10K goal again and if we should NOT get the $1,000,000 unearned gift , I assume the deficit will go up by another $1,000,000? OUCH !!!!!!
Not sure how it is measured but I think calendar year???
Yeah, the FAA gave airports a break after 9/11 and still gave out the $1,000,000 even if the airport did not get 10,000 passengers..
Right now I just do not see it happening next year. I try not to be negative but losing a Pan Am was no big deal.. Losing Allegiant is!!
So I guess the big bash in June was a charade on 2 diff counts then :
1. it was already known by those in power that Alleg may pull the plug
2. who cares if we meet the 10K or not...we still get the $1M
Next time my littel leaguer hits a single, I am going to insist the ump give gives him 3 add'l bases.
One thing was that the $1,000,000 was not guaranteed this year unless you got the 10,000 passengers.
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