Next Airport Commission is next Monday.
There is a meeting scheduled to discuss the one RFP that was submitted at the end of April for the land parcels at the airport. Who was is the one bidder is still not know, when final decision to accept or not accept the bid or when the Master Plan will be released is not known.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
What's up with Chicopee all of a sudden. First they get Skybus cornerstoning their airport and now the FDR museum is relocating there. Sounds like they are the ones on the move
Good point, Steve...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Check out today's 6/5/07 T&G "Town Council borrows $535,000 for airport upgrade".
Looks like Southbridge airport had some good fiscal planning.
Thought you might get a kick out of the article Harry.
Why would SkyBus go to Chicopee if Bradley is only about a 10 minute drive away? Just my thought
Chicopee and Bradley are NOT 10 mins apart. Skybus must see a profitable market from that population.
I heard a story yesterday about Skybus prices. Two tickets, round trip from Cleveland to Manchester for $89. Unreal. That's two tickets for two people. Now the persons parents will be able to visit them more often. Nice.
Nice to hear from the Skybus marketing rep on this blog...
He needs to do a better marketing job. Skybus doesn't fly fom Manchester or Cleveland!!
Like I said I heard a story from a friend.....what more can i say...i dodnt work for skybus
It is interesting that Skybus lists Hartford as a destination and in parentheses it says (Chicopee, Ma). I would guess it is 45 minute drive between these two cities. You would think they would call the destination Springfield and not Hartford. Is the airport in Hartford (Brainard?) capable of handling Skybus planes?
It also lists Boston as a destination and in parentheses it says (Portsmouth, NH) That has to be at least an hour drive?
So if Skybus lists Boston as a destination, will it list in parentheses (Worcester, Ma) or (Boston-Worcester Metro Airport)?
Doesnt this almost border on misrepersentation to call landing at Chicopee a hartford destination? Likewise for boston/portsmouth?
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