January 18, 2009

Comments on Interview

It is a very positive step that the new Airport Director got back to the blog with his answers so fast and is a sign that he truly wants to build community support and realizes the importance of silly bloggers. Here are my comments that I will forward to the Airport Director tomorrow:

  1. I can understand why we were not give exact load numbers.
  2. We need to do study to find out exactly how much ORH would save if we were downgraded to General Aviation and no longer Part 139 certified.
  3. I can understand why the new Airport Director may not know this answer but someone else should have found this out since Allegiant left in September of 2006.
  4. Lets hope MassPort is in fact in negotiations with Cape Air.
  5. On March 18th on this blog I had some questions answered by Airport Liaison Niddrie, who told me that there was $300,000 left in the Small Community Air Service Grant. Now we have nothing? We spent $300,000 on Direct Air??
  6. We spent approximately $100,000 for IMG to recruit and retain an airline, not to mention an additional $100,000 for the report that they did. That is alot of money and I am glad to hear that there contract has ended.
  7. same as 4
  8. It is true that ORH is a deal compared to the other major airports around us, but we should comparing our parking rates to other successful secondary airports like Rockford where parking is typically free.

Again I want to thank the Mr Davis, follow up withy my comments to him and try to get a clarification on the Small Community Air Service Grant.


Sprout said...

You can understand why you weren't given load numbers? I can't. Numbers are concrete. Should be an easy answer.

Bill Randell said...


Think Steve tried to look these up. Steve help me here and was it something like a public charter, which Direct Air, does not report to DOT like an regular airlines?? Maybe it would be up to Direct Air not ORH to release them.

My reports are that the average loads have been in the 70% range which is not enough for Direct Air to be profitable. The Airport Director line that "bottom line we need more people to use the service" is all we really need to know.


Anonymous said...

If the numbers are bad it's kinda like asking a woman how much she weights.....you'll never get answer if she thinks her #'s are badd .......LOL...and even if she weight only 115 lbs she'lll still think she's fat .......loll

Anonymous said...

The bureau of transportation statistics has not updated their database since July. Numbers more recent are not available for any airlines or any airports.

They used to publish the data much faster. Maybe it's budget cuts.

Bill Randell said...

Thanks Steve.

Jahn you are assessment seems accurate to me.

Anonymous said...

Punta Gorda parking was free when I went down in Dec.


Anonymous said...

Did some web surfing and saw in the Worcester Magazine blog that access road discussion are about to begin again.
I was optomistic when I listened to the new airport director last week on Jordan Levy state that the airport could survive without an access road (it just fine did back in the 70's,80's and early 90's without one).
In order for the airport to move forward this has to be either addressed promptly (w/in in six months of having a viable plan or scrapped once and for all ). After reading the 12/15/08 airport commission minutes I see that the Massport extension has been extented to 12/31/2010.

I'm still optomistic about the future of the revenue potentential to the city (especially solar farm). I hope we just do not get mired in a delaying action of a 10 year plan again where the planners eventually move on to greener pastures and the new commanders repeat the same plan again and repeat the cycle


Bill Randell said...


I did not know that

