Spending time recently at Paul's for the Jazz Festival, Evo and as my President of the Chandler Business Association I have been trying to buy more right on Chandler Street and the immediate vicinity.
First of my employees have been looking for new t-shirts. On the corner of Chandler and Dewey there is a place, HD Graphics (something like that), where I bought 24 T-shirts with the company name on the front for $200. Second, I had two suits that I bought from Lujon's tailored at Rocco's (on the corner of Park and Chandler) for $200.
The service, prices and final products were great. Especially recommend that you check out Rocco's. Could not believe how nice the place was inside and he has great stuff.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Speaking of Main and Piedmont area, I didnt read teh paper until 100 am last night.
The Deval and Dog show gives new meaning the term Dog and Pony show in Main south yesterday.
I am guessign the photo shoot ( no pun) is very near Clark Univ where main south does actaully look decent. He's got to cross over to the other side of Main Street for the real Main Mouth....maybe stop in Dunky at Main and Hammond and chill for a few minutes with an ice coffee for himslef and munchkin for Fido
He says Main south ...WAS.... the worst area of Worcester.........clueless.......it still is......last I knew.
And just to show you how far removed from reality these pols are...........the guy says he was ..ASTONISSHED... there are houses that were built w/o insulation years ago .........truly out of touch...!!!!!
And he says he's not a poor south side chocago boy........he was just BROKE????...........spoken like a true prima dona who was scholled in the finest private secondary schools....then onto top name Ivy League colleges and then exclusive top name Law Schools.........gimme a break man .........and now he owns a $34 manse out in Berkshires............wher'd all that mmoney come from......???
Wonder if we had another sewer back up last night at May St's latest NOLO project....Devals s rhetotic reeks of Bovine Fecal matter.
Governor, do us all a favor and go back to Chicago and preach your anti white cop baloney but dont go through Cambridge on the way Thanx
I wonder how long before he turns the dog over to the animal rescue league once its photo op appeal wears off...empty suit..!!!!!
Sorry I meant to add.............did you see the bottom of the photograph.. i.e the sidewalk........which is one of the newer (or newly) installed pitched concrete walkways made to be able to navigate a curb cut with a wheel chair???
A Huge crack is opened up in with weeds coming out of it ( OK I'll give em a pass on the weeds ) and where pitched curbstone meets the horizontal curbstone there's a huge gap where the cement fell out it. How old is this job and who was the contractor?
This is just the kind of small repair work we could have the fire dept doing instead of sitting in fire station.......esp. given the building trades skills that most or many FF'er seem to have..............plus it gets em out in the neighborhoods and visible and if a crime goes down they could call it in............kinda the same justification as Police details.....public safety officers out and about on the street
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