I always read this section and have to admit get a kick out of seeing one of my blogs. This week I was in it and my comment regarding the anonymous comments on the Telegram on-line newspaper was printed.
Below that, however, was part of a blog from anonymous blogger ripping a friend of mine. Does anyone else see the irony in this? Maybe WoMag should only include in their blog roll people who actually identify themselves?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
doesn't bother me Wild Will....the "RBA" and Wee Will Wo Wo stuff is really softball's as far as I am concerned.......I've banged with them so I can't weep over being banged back even if it has been done anonymously....if Zoe thinks my weight is newsworthy oh well:>) I can lose the weight he can not grow his hair back:>)
There is someone out there willing to drop a dime on Wee Will Wo Wo's identity..they know who the person is:>) Wee Will Wo Wo loves to bang over the internet..I have always enjoyed banging in person:>)This may be fun!
Their comments don't bother me either. I actually feel bad for them.
What bothers me is that WoMag printed it. Just like the Telegram should have some type of standard in their on-line comments, WoMag should not publish anyone's blog who remains anonymous.
IMO, I think POSSIBLY Womag MAY (I streess may) only publish bloggers whose identity theY know or at least they think they know...........
Paulie also, I would have expected Womag to give the Pualies NOLA fest a +4 in the WOOOOOO Town quality if life index.
Maybe Zoback can at least git ya +3 in next weesk edition??? or maybe they only associate minuses with the terms "quality of life" and "Piedmont Village"........BTW was that area actaully called Piedmont Viallge in days gone by?
WOMAG did a nice piece on the event on the Thursday before it..no complaints on their pre-event coverage of it....the T&G did the best print on it by far..the T&G writer also writes for the Boston Blues Society so this was an event that excited the T&G staff...WCUW on Main South did a bang up for us on the airwaves..had us in studio, did numerous on-air promos and many of the DJ's were at the festival and for a very long time including taping the show for re-braodcast....WICN contacted me this week about getting together for a meet about music...I suggested a pow wow at EVO...
No one from WOMAG was in-house for the festival so it will be hard for them to give the event a rating so it would not be fair to expect one:>) I will say that the piece WOMAG did print this week was typical Worcester..there is some great fun in promoting bad PR for events in this city...I have experienced it twice now with the Canal Diggers and now the festival..not sure what it is but there is great fun it seems in making it difficult for folks out here:>)
I have worked with a lot of media over the past 20 years..and I can tell you from my experiences that there is more fun in WooTowm over pain than there is the good times..
I have no idea what prompted WOMAG to re-print such a negative piece about the festival after it was evidently such a success...a piece written by an author who does not know me or ever met me who has no inside knowledge on anything regarding the festival and who made no attempt to get any knowledge of the festival...it is evident that it was only done to cause trouble not actually make any point what so ever...the guy made jest of my weight and that I exaggerate (I am a promoter-what a surprise) on a blog.... if that is news in WooTown perhaps there is no surprise on why so many are leaving:>)..the blog author should be spending more time with his wife and kid's:>)
BuckPaxton and I have each made comment to one another on numerous occasions about how easy it is to get noticed in WooTown...this was a perfect example of someone who had to do very little to get his Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame:>)
The author of that blog actually accused WOMAG on another blog not to long ago about becoming tabloidish...perhaps he was correct.
I got 1000+/- folks to pay to attend a great music festival in a tough part of the city and in July...food, refreshments sold out..it raised almost 10K for a charity that is not usually associated with this neighborhood..well you do not see this kind of money coming out of it for this type of charity..a ton of folks had a great time including me....who won?:>)
I am dealing with the Worcester Historical Commission on a property I am about to rehab..in the historical papers given to me by the WHC they designate the area as "The Village of Piedmont"
If someone who identifies himself wrote it then I would have no problem with WoMag printing it.
But to have an anonymous blogger rip someone and then to print it? It is no different then the Telegram allowing people ro rip people anonymously in their comment section.
RBA and Wee Will are pathetic and it is sad to see that WoMag gives them the time of day.
Thats B/c Womag knows or has strong reason to think that they know who these 2 dudes are (or dudettes)
you may be right Senor Jahn...Wee Will Wo Wo makes mention of the inside of my house in his rant on me and my festival....perhaps me and Wee Will Wo Wo have some mutual aquaints...I know of one now cause I have been contacted by the person:>)
Perhaps, I'll say hello to Wee Will Wo Wo at the next chili competition or in Brimfield
Pualie I just finished reading all of last weeks Womag.
OMG Wild Will Wo Wo called you a Phatman..........yikes...after all you did to bring NOLA fest '09 to fruition....!!!!!!!!
I bet NOLA will be bigger than Woodstocks 40th anniv party...and to think that I almost made there back in '69.....if the drinking age in NY wasnt 18 I woulda been sober & maybe could have made the long hike up the closed off highway to Bethel NY. Getting passed that 1st NY state exit beyond the turnpike without pulling over a the truckstop there was always a problem for me and my buddies........only truck stop that I know of thta actually has beer & wine packie/convience store on site and also happens to be just over the Mass-hole state line...a mere coincidence I am sure :)
that aint what's pissin' me off...it's that I can't punch him in the nose right at the moment:>)maybe soon cause I am on his tail...shite, I am phat right now....to much good livin' in WooTown..instead of running I have been reading WOMAG covah to covah ovah at EVO while eating and drinking.
Don't canonize me just yet Senor Jahn..not that big a deal...anyway am on way to New Orleans at the end of the month for the Satchmo Festival....need to get in some R&R before the the fall busy season starts up for me
I hope to get out to Bethel, NY in the Catskills over the next two weeks....been spending a wee bit of time in Woodstock, NY but I have never been to Bethel which is south of Woodstock...may catch Levon Helm while I am out that way...
for a guy who has such disdain for me and others..he sure does spend a lot of time on our blogs...Wee Will Wo Wo has come out of the shadows albeit anonymously again to post on my blog..the wee lad who leaves his shite stains on everyones blog sure does have a lot to say about a festival that had no impact on him:>)
I invited him down to the office on Chandler to look at the books...yah think he will show Senor Jahn??
I decided to delete his post...sorry mates...he essentially said the same thing he posted on his blog last week about me and the festival..just didn't call me phat:>)He has not responded to coming to the office tho:>)
I really do not want to sully what was a successful event on my blog....so I'll sully up Wild Will's blog
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