September 01, 2009

Deutsche Bank

Two tickets. Don't see my being able to go.. Anyone want them for tomorrow? NO cost


Paulie's Point of View said...

you not going cause Grace Ross is picketing there tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz movie WICHITA being filmed at Worcester Airport:

Harry T

Benjamin said...

The main topic of the blog is the Worcester Airport. However, do to it's low activity level, many topics are discussed here which is good. But how is the movie at the worcester airport not a topic (it was mentioned by Harry T though)? Other topics were added today. I am curious to know Bill's opinion on the movie at the airport. Is it an indicator that the airport is really doing worse than we thought? Do they need to cancel Direct Air flights during the filming? Or is just this an opportunity that the airport had the capacity to support? I just started reading the blog a couple weeks ago when I stumbled on it accidently. I do enjoy checking it out, just curious why this story didn't make the topic board.