That was the title in the Telegram regarding the fire of the proposed home of the Blackstone Valley visitor center. Come on, the building as proposed had no future. How long ago was that suppose to built? Rumor has it that the cost had ballooned two times what was initially projected and they were not even close to getting the funds.
Feel bad this building burned but lets not recreate history.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
1 comment:
aFTER they raze that site , I suggest the city raze the old Crompton Knowles complex....assuming here it's destined for low income housing.
Even it cost the city $1,000,000 to raze it, it's much less expensive than placing ooodles of low income housing units there.
Frankly the city (or state) should buy up property in Shrewsbury & Holden and then sell it to NO LO builders..just to mitigate the sprawl of no lo housing in Worc.
Far too many municipalities are in continued violation of 40b. They s/b fined $5,000 per day for each day they are in violation until they start building NO LO housing and meeting their mandated 10% no lo obligation.
FWIW, I am opposed to 40b, but why should Worc be a 40b landfill.......overloaded with human debris. Time to cap and trade Worc's no lo housing stock. Too much human pollution and financial ruin has overtaken has Worc.
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