Rejected by ZBA
Is it just me or is this sign thing getting out of control? I was at the last ZBA meeting and the wall murals may have seemed a little out of control to me. A digital billboard on Route 290 to replace a billboard that is already there in an Industrial area like Harlow Street? Personally I got no problem with that. Isn't there already a message board there at CK Smith.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
there is a billboard on a trailer in the breakdown lane on Mill Street near Kne Chins..whats up with that? Is it allowed?
I was thinking about the Worc. business community renting a billboard. The pro business maassage would relate to stopping the construction of more low income housing in Wormtown. Now that is going to seriously PO lotsa Wormtown NO LOW fans.
I suggest that it would put Worc in the regional and maybe even nat'l news really fast. The outta town communications equipment would be lined up 6 and 8 deep with their telescoping commuunication dishes reaching for the stars. OOOOOOOOPPPPs.........would towering satellite dishes be a violation of teh Worc Zoning Ordinance?
Laddie Pualie, maybe you could get us a couple of photos of the electronic billboards on I-95 and I-93 in Stoneham and Lawrence when they are operational. The "advertisemnt" supposedly will be for info on the Gardner Museum Heist. I wonder if the Winter Hill boyz know anything that [g]?
I have to go that way (I-95) this Sunday, but I dont own the nec. equipment. I'll keep an eye out for them and if they are operational, I shall advise you.
welcome to Worcester... I told Murray Adv. to change his name to Murray Adv. CDC and he would have been in like Flynn... they need two zoning boards.. one for business and one for housing only two business minded people on that board... I want to get on it... but don't like you don't live in the city... like you do everything else here but that...March 31st... big day... the day that Worcester bans new signs for six to me like a two year old... just don't get it...
Sigmman, I trust you already read todays rag (3-24) re teh ZBA granting 101 diff variances for more low income housing over in Beacon Brightly Land?
I doubt they have applied for their permits yet b/c thaey aint got the $6.4M from the Feds yet for teh constr.
So..........typically when a project like that is undertaken there is a huge sign placed on the site advertising what's coming/being built? Will a sign like that still be allowed after 3-31?
signan, do you know about billboards on trailers parked on street corners? is it legit?
would you consider challenging the moratorium on first amendment grounds?
T -Man not a bad idea, but i think the issue being moratoriumed is the placing of the signs/ billboards and not the message on them. FWIW, I am not a constitutional scholar
for those who are still reading this... just got back from CT with my oldest looking at a college and along 84 and 91 they have these digital bill boards... nothing distracting about these actually very nice.... one should ask at the next zoning meeting... have any of you (on the board) taken a ride and looked at these...I don't see a problem either... they don'y flash t
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