In various articles yesterday, I read about Tim Cahill warning against Obamacare. He is 100% right. In particular, lets look at his numbers showing Medicaid going from 6.3 billion to 10.4 billion from 2005 to 2010. Why has that happened?
Imagine if we allowed elderly to qualify for Medicaid payments for nursing home care without an asset test and we based qualifications solely on income. You laugh, but that is what we are doing with CommonwealthCare?
Many cash businesses do not declare all of their income and are able to qualify for CommonwealthCare, although they may have substantial assets. These people then drop their private unsubsidized health plan and buy subsidized CommonwealthCare. Does this make any sense?
To top if off many people are able to join CommonwealthCare, although they may qualify for their employer sponsored group plan, There are not enough checks and balances at the Connector Authority to prevent this.
As more people found out about CommonwealthCare, this 10.4 billion will look small in a couple of years.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Where's Cahill been for the last 4 years?
I have to wonder if this guy is only running as a spoiler.
Tim is the treasuer of a $25B+ organization. I wonder what he has for experience in the financial space/sector prior to becoming treaurere?
In a similar vein, it sounds like Christy can not balance his own checkbook (a.k.a. not paying his bills).
OT here but re: signs/billboards
So late, late Monday night I am in Beantown and on comes the news.
The FBI will rent two....that's 2 ......for those of you from Winterhill........ELECTRONIC signs, one along I-95 in Stoneham and one along I-93 in Lawrence (hope if got those interstate routes and locales correct) advertise for leads in the infamous Gardner Museum heist of 20(?)years ago.
Next up?????......a huge electronic billboard in Worcester along I-290 eastbound in search of parity for Worcester's commercial taxpayers and huge electronic Billboard along I-290 westbound in search of the elusive, nowhere to be found Charley Farley?
This is an excerpt of the message Hanover sent their employees. I like how they left themselves an "out". "While we are pleased that the investment we are contemplating would help the city, and we believe what’s good for the city is good for our company, our interest in this project is that of an investor. At this point, we expect to proceed with this investment, but we still are working to make sure the potential returns and other benefits are commensurate and that this is in the best interests of our shareholders and our company. "
I was going to say this a few days ago, but I bit my tongue.
Does anyone really think that Hanover invests this kind of money b/c they want to be a savior to Worcester?
1st day of spring tomorrow !!!!!!!. Great day for a brews in VOP
BIll I am wondering, did your bet With David Z consider who would develop City SQ? Did the bet require that Berkley develop it or did it not matter who the ultimate dev. is? I guess that one way you win and another way you lose?
I am sure Hanover has a hard time recruiting quality employees to work in Worcester Senor Pedro Jahn..
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