Many times I have mentioned here that the task force Mayor Murray put together on the PILOT issue was great. Jim Leary ran it perfectly and the kids from the local colleges were unreal, as well as the people from CEO for Citites. In the end we put together a great report with great recommendations that resulting in the formation of the Univercity Partneship, which was a complete failure.
The biggest mistake we made, which we addressed during our meetings, was that we would have follow-up meetings 6 months, 12 months etc later to review our recommendations and to see how they are being implemented. We never had a meeting.
I am confident the current task force will do a good job, I only ask them to schedule a meeting now to review their recommendations in 6 months after their report is released.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
6 months ago
Surely you jest Mr Randell? Are we not being a tad presumptuous to think that any of the recommendations will ever be implememtned/acted upon
Once again i say the Worc Municipal Research Burau recommendations that have been ignored and/or not implememnted over the years s/b the 1st agenda item for the task force. These were all excellent ideas. Why waste brain power & precious time to come up with new ideas when many of them may have aleady been recommended by the WMRB?
What do say you Roberta? I think you should bring your previously ignored ideas to the forefront immediately. Certainly cant hurt. How much you wanna bet Joe will not hear of it. I.e. tabled.
Can anyone say privatized school custodian force? I think WMRB did recommend it ages ago?
Jim Leary did a great job with the task force I was on.. Sure he will do the same.
I will bet you, like I did Zimage (but I will pay my debt), that the recommendations. If they will ever get implemented???
That is my main concern thus my request to schedule a meeting 6 months after the completion to minitor their recommendations.
What ideas?
Post them here.
Bill said,
"I will bet you, like I did Zimage (but I will pay my debt), that the recommendations. If they will ever get implemented???"
Bill, I will pay my debt. I thought we could wait until the wrecking ball swings so I can save up some money before joining you for drinks. Rumor has it that you can put away quite a few pints when someone else is buying. LOL
what do you think about the city providing cash to the owner of the HA Tien Market building
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