Nick wrote about it today, click here. It is official now.
Over the past two weeks, the Councilor Gemain and Mayor O'Brien have floated up the idea of increasing the tax to the max or $12 million increase in taxes to all tax-payers. Currently the City of Worcester is not limited to 2 1/2 percent, since they are 12 million below the max tax levy. In other words, the City Council can vote to increase the taxes without a 2 1/2 percent over-ride vote by 12 million
You can vote lowest residential all you want, but a $12 million dollar tax increase is going to cost residents. As Nick accurately points out "hold your wallets". If nothing else maybe commercial and residential tax-payers will realize that we are all in the same boat with this push that will surely heat up now that it is in the open.
My guess is that, in the end, the Council will only go up $6 million and say they saved the tax-payers $6 million by not taxing to the max.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
To quote the Mayor... the people of the city would not mind paying a little more... and a little more and all the littles add up to a LOT! sales tax plus the >75 by the city add it all up folks... why does the council give back their pay raise...
I told Bill 6 months ago that this guy was a dyed in the wool Mcgovernite and that reaching out to him was only going be an exercise in futility.
3 months he's been peddling his Schwinn to teh council meetings and sitting in the mayors seat and I all have seen accomplished is his carbon footprint has deceased by 1/2%.
And please think agian if anyone thinks this 36 member committe he is chairing for business & econ dev'ment will acconmplish anything. I mean plaesee wake up, we have a person who is going to try and bring business and econ dev'ment to Worc and guy has probaby never even had a real job. Please wake fellas...... thanx.
Germane......I mean is this fella even worth typing about. This the worse kinda person yuou can have in a city council seat. His only job is City councilor ...... so that means he goes around all day looking to creaTE so called crisises that he can then solve and declare hero status for himself come the next election. Time to send some folks to teh penalty box for high sticking for the remainder of the game and then to the showers, permanently
A friend of mine told me the day the new Mayor was elected that within 6 months, the max tax levy would be floated.
I told him no way not in these tough times. My friend was 100% right.
Bill, Jim Mcgovern gave us Joe Obrien.
Please also remember that Jim Mcgovern also gave us Deval Patrick. Mcgovern solicted Deval to run for govenor of Mass. Deval is 110% completely inexperienced. He was A lawyer in teh Clinton Administration. He then went to work for Coca cola where he worked to smoothe over Cokes affirmative actions hiring and promotion policies problems.
He was hired away by Coke only b/c he had ties to Washington DC that than enabled Coke to squeeze out of their affirmation action issues for short money/few problems. Deval was then rewarded with Coke stock options worth Zillions......thus the $1.5M manse in Milton and the 1.7M$ mase in the Berkshires.
When are people going to learn that Jim Mcgovern is the worse possible thing that could have ever happened to Worcester, unless you're on a gov't payroll or a quasi gov't payroll like a non profit or maybe a new Worcester-Blackstone Port Authority for example or his ever incessant lobbying for a Dept of Peace.
Clueless people dont realize that as long as America is king every littel tin horn dictator is going to try flex their muscles with us and a dept. of Peace is therefore useless. Maybe he aint a bad guy, but I am tired of so called good guys picking my pockets
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