June 24, 2007

Nemeth Article

Sorry, there is no story from part Airport Chairman and current Commissioner Nemeth, instead we have an editorial . Before you read the editorial, do you think the editorial is critical about the decision to extend the current agreement six months? Shocker, but the editorial praises the decision to "take time to get airport agreement right." Did we not have three years to get this agreement done "right". What exactly will six more months provide of time provide to help get it done "right".

In addition we all now know what the exact terms of the said agreement will be so why don't we put these number out on the street, test the marketplace and see if anyone else may be interested in paying more, let me explain. First you need to understand that airport breaks there losses (there are no profits) into two categories:

  1. non-operating (mainly debt service) approximately 800,000
  2. operating losses approximately 1,400,000
Right now the operating agreement consists of MassPort subsidizing 68% (952,000) of the operating losses while the tax-payers of Worcester paying the remaining 32% (448,000) and 100% of the non-operating losses. Obviously these numbers change slightly as the underlying losses change, but you get the picture.

Now the deal on the table is as follows:
  1. non-operating expenses will be paid 100% by the tax-payers of Worcester
  2. operating losses will be paid 100% by MassPort
In the end the City of Worcester would save not having to pay 32% of an operating deficit, which currently means a savings of $448,000 based on an operating loss of 1,400,000. It will, however, still cost the taxpayers of Worcester approximately 800,000 per year for the non-operating expenses.

In the end MassPort would pick up this 32% portion and pay the entire operating deficit, now at 1,400,000. Bottom line is that MassPort would in essence be leasing the entire airport for 1,400,000. Now consider this, what if MassPort were to divert some flights to ORH and start making on money on the airport and eventually wipe out the operating deficit? The cost to lease ORH would in essence be nothing.

All I am trying to say is that a deal whereby a leasing entity would have to pay the operating deficit, which is currently at 1,400,000, but have the ability to lower their lease costs by running an efficient profitable airport to nothing would seem pretty attractive??? Today's editorial should have been "now that we all know the selling price of ORHG", lets test the marketplace to ensure we are getting the highest return for the tax-payers or Worcester. Once again the Telegram comes up short.


Anonymous said...

If MassPort cut the airport liaison alone between salary and benefits that would reduce the operating deficit by at least 100,000.

Anonymous said...

Today I think I learned why Skybuss ended up at Chicoppee.

Mr John Spillane in his T&G article re establishing a port authority for ORH states:

".......co chairs of the important Committee on Transportation, Rep Joseph Wagner of CHICOPPEE.............

Anonymous said...

Massport doesn't pay the liaison, and won't in the future. Take a look at the Worcester budget for 2008, page 113:

Debt Service (100% City Cost) $614,258.
Airport Liaison Position Salary and Consultant (100% City Cost)

It also looks like they're not counting on the $1mm from the FAA for passing 10,000 passengers.

- CF

Bill Randell said...

Charley Farley:

Airport Liaison, as I understand it, is part of the operating expenses. If you cut this expense from the budget then you reduce the operating deficit by this amount.

Charley, am I missing something??? Are you saying that the airport liaison is part of the non-operating expense deficit???


Bill Randell said...


One more comment.... Since we do not know who you are, I am not sure if you have an accounting or business background or not. That said.

The mere fact that the airport liaison is listed in the budget on page 113 means that it has to be either in the operating or non-operating deficit. Non sure how a person acting day to day on behalf of the City of Worcester could not be included in the non-operating deficit??

Charley, aka Steve or anonymous, please enlighten us..


Anonymous said...

No accounting degree. Never even took an accounting class. Just using the reading skills learned in grammer school:

From the budget page 108:

"This budger assumes that under a new operating agreement, Massport will absorb 100% of the operating deficit of the Worcester Regional Airport. This generates a savings to the tax levy budget of $747,577.45 for Fiscal 2008, based on the proposed budget. The total tax levy requirements for Fiscal 2008 will decrease to $787,213, representative of debt service costs and the cost of the Worcester Airport Liaison, and is inclusive of tax revenues from the sewer leaf compost site and the airport industrial park"

- CF

Bill Randell said...


You are 100% correct. I also would have assumed that an active position, like an Airport Liaison, would be part of the operating deficit. WRONG!!!

Airport Liaison is, as you point out, part of the non-operating deficit like debt service and would be paid 100% by the tax-payers of Worcester in the new proposed agreement.


Anonymous said...

I always thought the debt we were servicing was related to capital outlays for the airport itself (terminal, runways, towers, hangars, etc). Are you guys saying that the above airport debt is being financed (partly subsidized) from revenue received from the airport industrial park? I would think that revenue from the industrial park would not be used to service debt that was incurrred for the airport.

I am looking at the industrial park and the airport itself as two distinct depts within one "company". If own two commercial buildings, I keep separate records and books for each "division" and neither building subsidizes the other by paying either the others debt or expenses.

This notion that debt sevice is a non-operating item is bit odd to say the least. If I buy a 3 decker and have a mortgage on it, the interest expense is clearly an operating line item. The next time you apply for a mortage to buy a an investemnt property or a second home, ask the banker if debt service is a non-operating line item.

Can someone find out EXACTLY what the citys definition of debt service is?

Tax revenues from the compost site??? Do other haulers pay the city to dump at the compost site at the industrial park? Evidently so? I'll bet you we could double their tipping fees no problem, as where else are they going to go?

Anonymous said...

"Can someone find out EXACTLY what the citys definition of debt service is?"

Page 112:


- CF