Travis e-mailed me asking how Worcester got the ORH designation. I believe it has something to do with it being named O'Brien Regional Airport? Can someone enlighten me to the background.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I think the H might be heliport?
Does anyone ever keep a scorecard on how all these marketing & promotional professionals that the city, the C of C, convention bureau, Choose Worc, Destination Worc, etc are hiring as far as accomplishing their objectives or is thsi like a Littel League game where no one keeps score? If I hire s salesperson to peddle my products, he's going to be getting at least a semi-annual review and if any part of his compensation is straight salary.......he'd better be batting at least in the 300's....if he's straight commission.. I am somewhat less concerned.....but will still review his performance
How do we get all these cash laden tourists to Worc? Well in most cities, I guess, they would fly in, but would they then drive 50 or 60 miles (1 1/4 hrs) to Worc? Once in WOrc, how amenable are they to paying a proposed 20% increasde in meals tax and an already burdensome hotel; room tax?
As to new busineses coming here.....well Mr & Mrs Business Person, if you come to Worc, you will have the distinct priviledge of paying a property tax rate that is double what we charge our homewoners, you get to pay the highest unemployment taxes in the country, you get subsidize our million $$$$ City money pit called employyee paid sick time had better plan on ante'ing up for your employees health insurance, too.
What would you say as prospective employer?
I read the editorial today and realized that Choose Worcester was different from Destination Worcester. To top it off Recommend Worcester is an initiative started by Destination Worcester. Bottom line Choose Worcester and Destination Worcester both Recommend Worcester.
I know this comes across as completely negative, but it reminds me how we blow monies on consultants to attract airlines to ORH when we should simply give the monies to airlines??
Found a nice site that may answer your question. Go to and click on ABC's of aviation. It explains airport designators.
Also found a good quote in the aviation quote section which reads "The airport runway is the most important main street in any town"
Bill, is anyone keeping score re: how these airlines recruiters/consultants are faring?? Seems to me we're in extra innings now and we still have not scored a run...............we did have one man on base for 9 months....but the cost of staying on base become prohibitive ...........he argued with the umps about it.......and then walked off the field........ I heard he's now landed playing slots for other, better teams
Imagine if I hired a recruiter to find me talent for my company......and........YEARS (decades??) later .......NADA for you think i'd continue to throw money down that rathole?
Sorry for the negativity ( reality)
The sad part of all of this is that nobody keeps scores. Right now one score I have is IMG over $200,000 to 0 results for ORH.
Only good thing about the 6 month extension is that we will get a chance to see the 20 Master Plan this summer that has taken over 3 years to put together.
maybe it had something to do with the mispronounciation of the word "Worcester" as "Worchester"
Dave from Worcester said...
"maybe it had something to do with the mispronounciation of the word "Worcester" as "Worchester" "
That's very possible. A few years ago, the FAA chart had Worchester Airport.
The Salt Lick Box---Now I get it Brian....HAHaHa
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