Story by Shaun Sutner in the Telegram about General Aviation. . Note comment from blogger, Steve Foley.
Does anyone know how many of the 59,260 take-offs and landings are attributable to the flight schools? If you watch the flightaware activity at ORH, no way is there 59,260 take-offs and landings.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
That's like saying the door for my business opend 59,260 times last year. Of those 49,000 were window shoppers....leaving 19,260 door openings .......of which 1/2 were the customers leaving the premises...which leaves 9,630 real customers.
Figures dont lie, but...............
Office Constr in the tank
add Lincoln St more Fry's there only Ply's (wood)...........but in the interest of reporting both sides of a eateries (4 or 5) have opened in the new lincoln plaza to replace the 3 or 4 that were razed there when the old Lincoln plaza bought the farm
I wonder if the mandate re FOGS (fat, oils & grease) was the straw that broke the camels back..........i doubt it.........I think Friendly's Corporate was reviewing and closing inefficient outlets.......something the City never does as part of their operations......
e.g. close our inefficient trash collection and school custodial operations and re open them with private operators
I never saw any counciloors stand up about this unfunded FOGS EPA mandate that hits local eateries........yet they practically tell the EPA that we aint paying to upgrade the sewerage plant and will stage our own Boston tea party to protest it.
Friendly's closed on Lincoln Street, really?
The only flights that show up on Flight Aware are those with flight plans filed, so if someone's going VFR without a flight plan, it won't be there ... Most of the day-trippers at ORH are probably flying VFR, which helps explain the discrepency.
On a side note, Cape Air is taking over Big Sky's former routes from Plattsburgh and Saranac Lake to Boston. (I know you'll be delighted to hear this, Bill.)
It'll be interesting to see if Cape Air can make a go of it. These are both subsidized routes, and the subsidy is huge -- over $1 million on each route -- but they basically drove Big Sky out of business. They were flying Beech 1900s on the routes and said fuel costs and weather were killing them. When Big Sky dropped these subsidized routes, they had to give up their subsidies out west, too, and that was the stake in the heart.
Now if ORH could get EAS status from the feds (and if Cair could get a few more airworthy 402s), they just might come to town ...
Hey Jahn,
We've lost a bunch of Friendly's on the Cape, too. I think they are dropping the ax on underperformers.
This my recollection of Friendlys in the last couple of decades....correct me if others know differently
Friendlys wass bought by Hersheys maybe 15 or 20 years ago and they didnt fare too well as a unit of Hersheys.
Again, if my recall is correct, the original Friendly founders (or private equity firm)bought the company back from Hersheys after Hersheys decided it didnt belong in their portfolio of businesses.
Since that time the company has struggled and I believe they decided to trim the more marginal stores.. i.e. downsize.
To me Friendlys was always more of an Ice cream shoppe then a restaurant. I think as time went by more and more people never really thought of Friendlys as a place to go out to least not in the sense of a "middle market" restarant like Applebees, TGIF, Chili's, Olive Garden, Uno's Ruby Tuesdays, etc. additionally Lack of an adult beverage license proably also hindered them as well as having to compete with larger national outfits like the above.
Please note that private businesses, unlike the City, know when to cull their underpreformers and cut their losses and/or re-structure the business to meet the current market demands....OR.....deep six marginal employees. Most business have a finite life. Unfortunately the city tends to stay in certain "businesses" to the detriment of the taxpayers b/c the feeling is that we cannot upset the "Family" of city employees....yet the council never has a problem upsetting the family of city taxpayers.
After reading the article I noticed the picture showing people boarding the jet outside.
Does the airport have walkways that connect the terminal to the plane? Looked cold out.
Great, no Friendly skies (United out of ORH) and no Friendly fries (on Lincoln Street in Worcester)...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
5- star concierge service?
Having flown into other airports and familiar with other FBO's I would say Swissport is far from 5-star.
MillionAir FBO's can back up their claim as a 5-star experience.
Go to any to airport that has a MillionAir FBO and read their comments and you'll see the difference.
Aviation is a small world and pilots trade stories. They'll avoid certain airports unless absolutely necessary.
My two cents
Yes anon?
Worcester has jetways
And no a mat in front of the aircraft does not constitute 5-star service!
To Two Cent:
Obviously your a pilot. As a pilot myself, I know Swissport's Doug Robinson well. He's a fine manager and came from Hawaii to Worcester to help turnaround a failing FBO that had past managers fail to utilize the assets at hand. He suceeded in my opinion.
Fine staff, was able to hire Rick Foley who has amassed invaluable aviation experience holding titles at Worcester of Operations manager,Aiistant airport manager, interim manager on a few occassions,airport liason and past FBO experience.
MillionAir does have fine establishments, but so doesn't Swissport.
Newsflash D.H. (?)
Swissport is over-rated. Their equipment and methods determining amount of de-icing fluid alone have driven commercial flight away. They can't make money period.
Handling fees per flight-outrageous. That's what you get when you have a monopoly on the field.
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