I watched the City Council Meeting the other night and blog favorite, Gary Rosen, commented on how he had read about criticism of Wayfarer program on a blog and disagreed. He thought it was a good idea. I still do not get it and the cost by the way the cost is approximately 2.3 million.
Before we invest 2.3 million can someone do something about the concrete block that was set on sidewalk outside of my office on Pleasant Street that was suppose to have a sign posted about 6-7 years ago to help people find their "way" around the City of Worcester. The sign was never set.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
December Airport Commission minutes are now on-line
I just came 146N to 290E.....from the highway i did see the sign at the offramp that bill referred to..........but I didnt see any sigsn along the entire stratch of 146N from the Millbury Mall north????
I guess we're using Belmont St exit as preferred route to ORH????........but the only sign i saw was about 200 ft before the belmont st offf ramp and it was the size of a GO Childern Slow sign........and it wasnt much of a sign either.........merely a pic of an airplane....which I think was also pointed in the wrong direction and below it a "9"..not "9W" ...........just 9.........I exited off at Lincoln/Burcoat and had to chuckle to myself........as I observed a HOliday Inn sign a fixed to a light pole
I also, As i approachedBelmont st exit..theers's a really good sized sign (8'x12') which has 6 signs attached to it that Is WELL BEFORE THE EXIT...........care to guess what all 6 signs were for.............and there was a smaller, identical, but still obvious (even from down on the highway) sign at end of exit ramp at Belmont st...................yup...all 6 signs were for colleges................and now wee need a wayfarer sign program........are the colleges pushing this?
Shouldnt Worc Airport be clealry spelled out on the large overhead green interstats highway signs as you come 146N as well as 290 east and west???...................some would prob argue not........and I guess in some respects you can see their side of the argumnet too. Charley Farley would have a plausible argument for not paying to put the signs up, given the current state of the airport......and MAYBE even given the limited future possiblites?
Ironically I believe the large concrete footing on my sidewalk was suppose to have a sign to help people get to the airport. I could be wrong but that rings a bell right now.
Bill, I THINK and I strees think, I have seen similar "concrete bunkers" in other sites around town.....just cannot recall where at the moment.....lets give em the benefit of the doubt...maybe they were going to put it up when Pleasant St was made 2 way again............and they forget.............and that was what.......3 yrs ago??
I am guessing the sign was manufactured a number of years ago and is probably buried under the imploding salt shed on east worcester St ..DPW yard....Dept Public Wayfare.
Wonder if the sign installer has been paid in full?
I believe you are right. In fact I could have sworn that they were going to be removed?
It most definately has not been removed.
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