I have mentioned this before, but I will do it again. Myself, I look at the airport as a huge lost opportunity for the City of Worcester and have used this blog to express this point of view. Truth be told, this is a hobby and not my livelihood.
What truly amazes me is the silence of the tenants at ORH, whose lives do in fact depend on the airport. Recently I have tried, maybe 7 or 8 times, via e-mail and cell phone to contact what I believe is an ex-tenant at ORH (Amity Flight School) to do a blog interview to no avail. If the people, who earn their livings off ORH are not willing to fight for changes, why should us tax-payers be spending approximately $1,000,000 per year from the General Fund to keep the status quo?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Zoback has done his annual worst properties article in Womag this week.
Many times During the last year and also after his worst properties article in 2007, I mentioned on here many times the condition of some of the property the city owns. I strongly suspect he reads this blog regularly, yet continues to ignore certain city owned structures in his annual survey. He should take his camera to the salt shed at Clark St & East Mtn. St and publish photos of the condition of this imploded struture that city employees work in and around and that citizens use to drop off yard waste.
He fails his readers and is not interested in full disclosure as re: the condition of some properties in horrendous condition that the city (who is the enforcing agent) owns.
Taking a pic of a boarded up 4 family that the city owns on Lincoln St doesnt do justice to the condition of some of the property the city owns.
This salt shed has been imploded for at least 5 years that I know of.
If That thing ever collapses on an employee or a citizen dropping off yard waste......we'll have even more people coming before the council looking for add'l disability money and/or civil suits.............and the city knows the condition of this structure b/c supposedly they have been "arranging" to re build it for a number of years now.
Because they know the current condition of the strucutre, if anyone is injured there, it's gross negligence and the city cannot hide behind the limited liabilty status that municipalities enjoy in civil suits. Gross negligence = no ceilng on claims against the city taxpayers.
MR Moylan was on the Boston News last night touring illegal dumping sites in the city........they should have toured the illegal dump ( structure) at Clark St & East Mountain St. Does the city building dept. need an internal civilain review board, too.
About ten years ago, another flight school opened up at ORH. The owner was very outspoken and spoke bluntly about the problems there.
He was unceremoniously evicted from the airport.
Tenants who earn their living at ORH need to remain respectful and fearful of their appointed (not elected) bureaucratic rulers.
the house behind me made it for the second straight year..I have to add that the property itself was never a problem it was the losers living in them
8-10 Winfield..I am pleased to have been part of this foreclosure:>)
The last owner before foreclosure was warned to keep it clean and in safe shape..I helped push into foreclosure when I went to his neighborhood in the burbs and put signs with pics of the houses and debris on them up at midnight the signs stated that he was a slum landlord..it was amazing how quickly the property got cleaned up and then foreclosure shortly thereafter..he just dumped them..he bought no money down..
He bought with the expectation of loadin' up with section 8...a cash cow..well I let it be known he was gonna actively manage those sexy 8's or else I was gonna make it hell for him... and I did and all within the law:>) I actuallly enjoy the peace now.6 unrented units..no one pissing in the rear..no little rotten bastards runing around at midnight when they should be sleeping:>) Urban Nirvana
Gutless coward:
Do not be so hard on your self. Paul makes a good point. Anything worth something, you need to fight for.
I can sit here and type things on the blog about the airport but until the people who work up the airport or people who owns planes at the airport stick up for themselves, nothing is going to happen.
Then I sit here as a tax-payer and say why the hell should we pay $1,000,000 per year for an airport that the tenants will not even fight for. Organize and call a city councilor or call someone from the newspaper/WoMag?
It truly amazes me, however, the absolute silence from the airport.
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