Interesting story.
Check this out too.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
This is to be expected......when 100 city janitors were laid off the pols lost 100 votes.......who knows maybe the school city custodians are sabotaging the work of Educlean...........kind alike Firefighers who go out and start fires when they get laid off or a station gets closed or consolidated or merged..
Any chance there is a comapny called Edu-Fire. If there's anything that's ripe for privatization it's firefighting.......unfortunately b/c years ago many firefighters were concerned about this (privatization) they got a state law passed that says all FF'ers must be municipal employees......another unfunded state mandate.......what's next a law that says all EMT's must be municipal 'ees, too??
Private firefighting is the rule in several western states. They do it cheaper and better.
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