I bank here they are great and the hours can not be beat (7-7), when you own a retail business. The other day waiting in line, it dawned on me that Commerce is for sale. Why do I say that? In light of all the troubles that Duddie is having in the paper, he is not getting younger (estate planning issued) and the name fight with TD BankNorth over the Commerce name, can you think of a better time to sell?
Jahn, I bet you here that Commerce is sold by the end of the year.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Before I put any green on the line here...........i need to know if you've heard rumors or grumblings to this effect....or did you have some kinda Karma come over you whilst waiting in the Commerce bank line with your heavily weighted satchel?.....absent any roomers that ewe have heard, eye'd have to put myself in D's shoes and weigh the variables.........then accept or decline the wager
Like you, I too have often thought that it is such a no brainer to have banks open 7am to 7pm for the convenience it affords all customers....esp those who cannot access the bank during workings hours.....for whatever reason.
City Hall .....s/b operated in a similar fashion.........so "customers" who cannot make it there during 8 to 5business hours have some other options.......many city taxpayers work outside the city on Monday to Friday and have no way to access City Hall.....I am thinking esp. of the Clerks Office....or maybe I should ask first..................are some city hall ofices open other than 8 to 5, Monday to Friday?
No rumors. It just hit me standing there. Especially with the name fight, what a perfect opportunity to say "buy me out andyou can have the name."
Maybe we can get him to sponsor the airport. How about selling naming rights to the airport.
Just an idea
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