July 31, 2008

Insitutional Linen Property

Jahn has been asking so here goes. First of all the two properties were sold by the City of Worcester to Mason Winfield LLC for 110,000:
  1. 11/2/5 book 37717 page 51 48 Mason Street 66,853
  2. 11/2/5 book 37717 page 59 47 Mason Street 43,147

Two months later Mason Winfield transferred 48 Mason Street to one of the minority owner stake-holders (Worcester Common Ground) for $10,1/1/06 book 38185 page 55 48 Mason Street $10.

Since that time Worcester Commone Ground has received a grant in the amount of 170,000 from the EPA BCRLF to remdiate 48 Mason Street. Since Common Ground is a non-profit they (Common Ground)will not have to pay the 170,000 back. It is grant.

Imagine Worcester Common Ground will deed back 48 Mason Street to Mason-Winfield (for profit corp)for $10. Does this sound fair?? If you get a minority partner, who is a non-profit, you can park property in their name and be eligible for Brownfield Clean-up grants that do not have to be paid back even if the project is controlled by a for profit entity.


  • High tax rates
  • High water and sewerage rates
  • New costly regs like grease traps
  • No smoking
  • High energy costs that ut back on people's disposable incomes
  • High leases
  • Hgh cost of food
  • State mandates to provide health insurance

Tough time to be running a restaurant in Worcester. What happend to the retaurant that bought TiNova?

Beef Kabobs

Come again? Yes, I said beef kabobs...

Started this airport endeavor four or five years ago after I read about the JetBlue business plan and how they wanted to feed hub airports from secondary airport like ORH, with the Embraer 190. At the time JetBlue was new and I thought that it was perfect for ORH, lets get in on the ground floor? At that point, I started trying to piece together information about our airport, what a nightmare, thus the initial website which has then morphed into this blog.

This has not worked out as planned and maybe I am partially to blame. Naively I had thought that this would be seen as an ally to the "powers to be" at the ORH, but instead it has been seen somehow as a threat? Although I laughed at Super Bore's comment about us silly bloggers, it really was kind of self-defeating. For the month of August, I am going to give the whole airport thing a break. Also I have heard rumors, that an airline from industry insiders, may be considering servicing ORH this winter. I do not want us silly bloggers blamed, if they decide not to come to ORH.

Beef kabobs!! I have tried them everywhere this summer.

Tonight I decided the key to a good beef kabob is to eat one three days after you was initially cooked. D'Errico's on Shrewsbury Street is the best and cheapest at $4.99 per kabob. Although you do need to pray that the seal is not broken bringing them home or you will have gallons of kabob juice smelling up your car for the next week.

I challenge you silly bloggers, even you Super Bore. Try a beef kabob from D'Errico's and don't forget to buy some fontinella cheese to nibble on while you are waiting for the main course. By the way:
  • 2nd place was Ed Hyders
  • 3rd was Emerald Meats.
Pick up some Middle Age Spread for cheese at the later two locations. Awesome but wicked expensive.

July 30, 2008

Another Low Income Housing Grant

Click here, story in the Telegram. Just what we need another low income housing project. Lets see now:

  1. Odd Fellows Building next to the old Mart finished recently
  2. Standish Building on Main Street finished recently
  3. Burwick under construction
  4. May Street old Mattress building under construction
  5. Winfield Street razed waiting for monies

These are just the big ones. The worst part about this is that I can not think of any private dollar projects within this circle of projects. In case I have not said this already we need to stop building more low income housing.

July 29, 2008

Rockford Daytripper Update

ROCKFORD - The Chicago Rockford International Airport is planning return trips to two of its most popular day trip destinations. RFD announced another trip to Niagara Falls August 10. Tickets start at $164 round trip. The flight will leave Rockford at 7:00 a.m. and return at 8:15 p.m.

Seats are also on sale for the second Mackinac Island trip August 14. Those also cost $164 round trip. The flight will leave Rockford at 7:00 a.m. and return at 8:00 p.m.

July 28, 2008

Vanasse, Hangen & Brustlin

I remember when this Watertown company, website, opened an office in Union Station and I was kind of surprised. Today I read about plans for North Main Street in the newspaper and guess who did the three-phase 15 year plan. Vanassse Hangen Brustlin.

Although I still can not find Super Bore's story on-line and I left the newspaper at home, guess who is going to do the $400,000 18 month study on the East-West Connector? Yup, Vanasse Hangen and Brustlin. Guess who they are doing that study with? The Central Mass Regional Planning Office, the other office tenant at Union Station.

Is it just me, but are there not some inherent conflicts here??

July 27, 2008

Silly Bore

Story by our friend in the Telegram, Mr Nemeth, click here. Actually I can not find the link, I will check later. Where do I start?

First off, "silly bloggers masquerading as airport experts". We may actually be silly, but nobody on the blog has proclaimed themself to be an airport expert. Does Mr Nemeth consider himself an airport expert? Putting that aside lets focus on the actual story.

We all understand the role of MassPort and appreciate the fact that they have bought us time to get our act together. Mr Nemeth, however, goes back to his common theme of blaming us for all the problems at ORH for not building a direct access road. Obviously ORH would be better off with better access, but I have a question for Mr Nemeth. How do do you explain 346,000 passengers counts in the 1989 or the 85% load factor for Allegiant in 2005 without an access road? What about airports like Rockford that do not have a direct access road?

In the article Mr Nemeth relies on the $100,000 airport study done by IMG. Mr Nemeth, what about the IMG recommendation in this same study that we should downgrade to General Aviation, if we are not successful in attracting commercial service? By the way what has IMG done with the other an additional $100,000 that we paid them to help us recruit an airline?

Closing ORH?? Although this is mentioned sometimes, us silly bloggers have not been calling for the closing of ORH. We have, however, urged that an RFP be put together to outright sell or long-term lease the airport and not to confine our options to only MassPort. Mr Nemeth why have we not done this?

What did Mr Nemeth have to say about the $400,000 20 year Master Plan that took three years to complete? Nothing--not a word. Bob, maybe if the Twenty Year Master Plan had addresed some of the benefits of an access road and you looked at us silly bloggers as allies, we could make an access road a reality.

So what is the answer now to "cut through the fog"? Another study--I kid you not. Evidently the $100,000 IMG study, the New England Regional Airport Study (unknown cost) and the $400,000 20 Year Master Plan was not enough. We need another study that will cost $400,000 and take 18 months-- you got to be kiddin me!!!!! The only option is the MassPike exit onto Route 56 by the way.

According to Mr Nemeth, MassPort will see this study as the commitment that they need to address the access issue and will take over ORH. A study will be seen as a commitment??

Super Bore here are my own fog cutting suggestions:
  1. By Sept/Oct if we do not have commercial service for this winter season, we need to downgrade to GA as IMG suggested.
  2. We appreciate everything MassPort has done
  3. We do not want to close ORH
  4. We do however want an RFP put together to long-term lease or sell ORH and to market this extensively.
  5. Replace waiting for the results from studies with action

Bill Randell

Most definately not an Airport Expert

AKA Silly Blogger

July 26, 2008

Sunday Telegram

Long day... Here's hoping Super Bore writes about the $400,000 20 Year Master Plan that had been worked on the past three years.

July 25, 2008

Boston Fire Department

Story in the Herald, thanks Dave Zimage.

Citizens for Limited Taxation

Found this blog , it is pretty good--click here.

The file this story under, in the words of Howie Carr, my goodness.

I am really starting to wonder if Yes on Question 1 does in fact make sense. More information on Question 1 here.

July 24, 2008

Pet Peeves

First I have many but there is a section of Murray Ave behind the Old Mart, currently Compare Foods, where you can always find a group of people drinking vodka and 40 oz beers out of their brown paper bags.

Drove by and noticed the sidewalks have been ripped up and being replaced. One I never noticed that they were too bad of shape to begin with. Imagine we could all find sidewalks in worse shape. Glad to see these people, however, will have brand new sidewalks to stand on when they drink their 40oz beers and vodka.

We Got the Beat

Hey Everyone,

Please help us out tomorrow. Our film shoot for "We Got the Beat" is going really well. Tomorrow is the talent show at the end of the film.
The auditorium needs to be packed. Please forward this to everyone you know. We have to pack Atwood Hall, at Clark University. Details are listed below.

Thanks so much!

Andrea Ajemian
office (508) 754-8080
cell (310) 628-3055

July 23, 2008

Cig Prices

Just watched the news about a story in Nashue, NH. In the background, there was a sign for Marlboros--$3.90. In Massachusetts, you can not buy them for less then $6.50.

Phil Schwachman had an interesting piece in the Telegram today.

APB ORH Master Plan

Since we are already looking for a $6,000 statue that was left out all night unprotected at Elm Park, can we also look for any comments on the $400,000 20 Year Master Plan that took 3 years to plan that was suppose to be the final piece of the puzzle that would perfectly compliment the $100,000 IMG Strategic Plan and the New England Regional Air Study plan (cost unknown).

Seriously can anyone leave a comment if they heard anyone say anything about this Master Plan?

July 22, 2008


The Exxon, now Gulf, on Park Ave and Pleasant Street had some deal today in conjunction with DCU where they sold gas at 1.99 per gallon. Can you say standstill? Honestly the traffic jam was incredible and I can only imagine how long people had to wait in line to get gas.


Couple of stories today in the Telegram regarding vandalism. One by Diane Williamson regarding rocks thrown at the University Park Lofts and the Holy Name rectory. The other regarding art stolen from Elm Park.

The first story is awful and criminal. People throwing rocks at buildings no only breaking windows, but could potentially injure someone inside not to mention the tone it portrays for the neighborhood. The second story, I could have written before the art was put in the park, if I had known it was left out all night.

Why are we leaving pieces of art worth $6,000 out all night unprotected in Elm Park. If you ask me I am surprised that more was not stolen. Insurance? I find it hard to believe that anyone would insure pieces of art left out unprotected all night in a public park.

I think the idea of Art on the Park is a great one, but we need to be realistic when putting things like this together.

July 21, 2008

Green Street Mural

Nothing against the mural, although I question the time and energy spent working on it and reporting on it. Is there a draw to the City of Worcester?

On the other hand, there is no discussion on the $400,000 20 Year Master Plan that we waited three years and numerous community meetings.

July 20, 2008

244 Main Street--Irish Times

I read the Sunday paper in world record time. Super Bore still has not written about the Airport Master Plan other then Nick K and there was an interesting story about the cost of public records from the police station, maybe 10 minutes. No Diane today.

Home Section had one interesting piece, 244 Main Street (Irish Times) being foreclosed. Remember seeing the Irish Times complaining about vendors selling food in front of their building at a City Council Meeting a few weeks back.

Couple of interesting points, taxes owed on this property are 207,673, while the last payment was made over 5 years ago (5/1/3). There is also one mortgage on the property in the amount of 3,600,000 from LBM Financial. This is one of the companies affiliated with Duddie, this guy is everywhere.

Running a business in the City of Worcester has alot of overhead expenses. As gas prices stay at $4 per gallon, people are going to be cutting the entertainment budget and I think we will see more restaurants closing in the City.

July 17, 2008

Why Fly Linear Air

Top 10 Reasons to Fly Private

1. When flying private, travelers avoid spending the 53 percent ofoverall travel time that is spent just waiting in major airports for a flight. This includes check-in, security lines and flight delays.

2. Flying private reduces trip time to destinations by approximately 3.5hours.

3. Leave on time and arrive on time - specified by the traveler - with private air. Commercial travelers suffer from late departures more than aquarter of the time and late arrivals almost a third of the time.

4. Flights can be booked according to the traveler's schedule, creatingefficiencies that eliminate unnecessary overnight stays, long commutes frommajor airports to final destinations and unexpected cancellations.

5. Private air charters can go into 10-times more airports thancommercial flights. By utilizing regional airports, air travel needs can bemet from convenient locations, closer to homes and offices.

6. The well-appointed cabins on private jets are more condusive to meetings and add to business travelers levels of productivity.

7. The average age of a commercial plane is more than 25 years old. On the whole, private planes are newer and more eco-friendly.

8. Luggage is loaded directly onto the aircraft, in view of the traveler,unlike the hundreds of thousands of mishandled and lost bags in commercial airports.

9. The average light jet flight is only 90 minutes, getting travelers from point-to-point efficiently.

10. Leisure travelers can get to weekend destinations quicker and avoidgetting stuck in weekend traffic.

RFD Daytrippers Update

Rockford Register

BusinessRockford.com Staff Reports
Posted Jul 16, 2008 @ 03:55 PM
A planned day trip to Indianapolis for the Allstate 400 at The Brickyard on July 27 will fly now that at least 100 tickets have been sold.Chicago Rockford International Airport officials announced the milestone today and said sales have been steady, with only 31 seats available as of this afternoon. Tickets start at $140, plus taxes and fees.

They’re available at flyrfd.com/DayTripIndianapolis.asp or at the airport terminal from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays.If 21 more seats are sold, airport officials will announce their next day trip destination. If not, they’ll wait until after the Indianapolis trip. Niagara Falls is a potential destination for a future trip after a previous trip there sold out in less than a day.

July 16, 2008

Fire Station Question

I know this will create alot of comments, but here goes. If you had to make a decision between closing Providence Street or Tatnuck Square fire station, which one would you close?

Rockford Daytripper Update

Courtesy of Tom Bona from the Rockford Register, click here.

July 14, 2008

Final Airport Master Plan

Until I see one mention of this in the newspaper or at a City Council Meeting, I will just post here every once in a while. Sorry this whole idea of Master Plans and task forces are just an excuse no to do anything, but wait. Hey what about those charettes?

For the 100th time I was on one task force and I must admit it went about 100 times better then expected. We came up with great ideas and recommendations, but none were never enacted, so what did we really get done? Answer--nothing.

We really need to make a committed effort to have no more task forces or reports by consultants. Elected officials and the management in the City of Worcester need to make decisions and defend them on their own merit. No more excuses or reports to hide behind.

July 13, 2008

Rockford Airport Daytrippers

They have done it again. Instead of waiting around for reports from consultants, they actually do things that bring business to their airport. Here is a story from the AirportBusiness.com:

A planeload of "day trippers" from Rockford, Ill., will arrive at Niagara Falls International Airport on the morning of July 3 and depart that same evening in a first-of-its-kind tourism blitz.

The "all in one day" sightseeing experiment is the brainchild of the Greater Rockford Airport Authority to beef-up business at the underutilized Chicago Rockford International Airport. Tickets for the whirlwind trip to the Falls went on sale at 1 p.m. Wednesday and were sold out by 10 a.m. the next morning.
"People were really excited about having an affordable way to get to Niagara Falls," said Zach Sundquist, the Rockford airport's special projects coordinator. "It's a convenient and cheap way for a whole family to make the trip without the added expense of an overnight stay."

Rockford is located about 90 miles northwest of Chicago. Round-trip tickets for the charter flight, arranged through Southern Skyways Airlines, were priced at $154 for the first 40 passengers, with the remaining 91 seats going for $192 each. The pilot flight will depart Rockford at 7 a.m. (CDT) and arrive in Niagara Falls at 9:15 a.m. The return flight will leave Niagara Falls at 8 p.m., giving the day-tripping travelers some 11 hours to experience Niagara Falls and related attractions.

"We are delighted about the "day trip" concept, with hopes of discovering a potential for regularly-scheduled seasonal service in the not-so-distant future," said Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Chairman Greg Stamm.
The NFTA will accommodate the Rockford tour group with $10 shuttles from the airport to downtown Niagara Falls. An evening return shuttle will also be offered. The visitors are on their own to plan activities while in Niagara Falls.


No story on the Airport Master Plan, but his stance on Narcan in the newspaper today is the right one.

July 12, 2008

Super Bore

We waited for the twenty year 400,o00 Master Plan for four years. Although it was released this week, I did not hear any discussion of it at City Council nor have I read anything about it in the paper.

Here's hoping Mr Nemeth writes about it tomorrow. Please note Jahn has hired me to do a 20 year Master Plan for his house. If anyone else would like my services let me know. The cost will be 4,000 and it will take me 4 months to do.

Buy Worcester Now

Sorry I keep mentioning this, but the one task force I was regarding the non-profits in the City of Worcester recommended a Buy Local campaign for the colleges. The final report, spearheaded by Rep Leary, detailed how Philadelphia had done the same thing and how the purchasing power in Philadelphia for non-profits was a ridiculous number something like 100 million?

Thought of that yesterday as I drove by Clark and noticed a painting crew on the iron fences with a 617 number. You see the Univercity Partnership was suppose to conduct local fairs for Worcester based contractors and vendors would have an opportunity to meet with all the purchasing agents of the various non-profits. This never happened, neither did local jobs fairs for Worcester residents to meet the people who do the hiring at the non-profits.

Think we may have even called the campaign "Buy Worcester." The Worcester UniverCity Partnership had so much potential, but the wrong person was hired to get the job done. I just checked the website for more information and this is what I found:

"By Mutual Agreement the Worcester UniverCity Partnership has been dissolved. Feel free to contact Armand Carriere, former Executive Director, for additional information. He can be reached at the following e-mail address: ae2425@gmail.com."

Lets assume someone did stumble onto this site, why would you list Mr Carriere, the guy who was fired for getting nothing done and the reason the Partnershi was shuttered, as a contact??

July 11, 2008


Thats right the blog passed 200,000 page loads today.

July 10, 2008

Frank Carroll Skating Rink

On a serious note how about this the Frank Carroll Skating Rink? Not the SBSB Frank Carroll but the former competitive skater and top ranked coach from Worcester Frank Carroll.

If not that I do like Ceeement Pond

Skating Rink Name

Per Jahn's suggestion please submit names for the skating rink in the comment box and I will list the best ones.

July 09, 2008

Buy Worcester Now

I have to admit that I was excited to hear about this and looked forward to the press conference this morning. Since that time I have reviewed the website.

The biggest part of the initiative is that many employers in the City of Worcester, mainly non-profits, will help their employees buy houses in the City of Worcester similar to how Clark U does in the area surrounding their college.
Ironically this was a recommendation of the task force that I was on that resulted in the creation of the Univercity Partnership, where Armand Carriere did nothing and was eventually shut down. This is a great idea.

As far as I can tell, however, the rest is merely a compilation of many of the scattered programs that are available currently in one cohesive website. Don't get me wrong this is a good thing and has the potential of being effective, which is a good thing but what is new here?

I was actually hoping to see something like property taxes waived for one, or even, two years to BUY WORCESTER!! Lastly me is it just me or does it seem unfair for the City to, more or less, endorse one law firm , Fletcher, Tilton and Whipple, over another firm?

July 08, 2008

Allegiant 2nd Qtr

Allegiant Air LLC has announced that its second quarter passenger count for scheduled service grew 39.2 percent in the second quarter and by 33.1 percent in June.

For the second quarter, the airline had nearly 1.05 million passengers, up from 753,716 for the same period last year. In June, the carrier reported 421,380 passengers, up from 298,935 in June 2007.

The load factor for the second quarter was 94 percent, up from 88.6 percent for the corresponding quarter in 2007. The June load factor was 91.3 percent, compared to 86.9 percent in June 2007.

Airport Master Plan On-line

Onc again a report that had much fanfare when announced has been released without hardly a mention. The 20 year Mastern Plan is now on the City of Worcester website, clikc here for the Executive Summary. Keepind mind that this took some 3-4 years to complete at a cost of $400,000--there is alot of nothing here? Maybe I am missing something, except of course the $141,000,000 in short and long-term capital projects, this report is disappointment.

Two of the biggest issues I see are 1) do we outright sell or long-term lease ORH to MassPort or another private entity and 2) do we downgrade to General Aviation. As far as I can tell neither of these topics were even discussed.

Abandoned Buildinig Ordinance

We have a great, and effective, ordinance called the Abandoned Building Ordinance that was passed after the Cold Storage Fire. Maybe worrying about another ordinance we should enforce this ordinance first?

July 07, 2008

Councilor Rosen Responds

Received thius e-mail from Councilor in response to how passage of the current home rules petition regarding foreclosure will help. Thanks Councilor Rosen.

Federal, state and municipal governments are taking steps to begin to put a tourniquet on the hemorrhaging of foreclosures in this country. The US Senate is working diligently on a $300 billion foreclosure rescue program. The Massachusetts legislature is considering foreclosure legislation similar to home rule petitions submitted by both Boston and Worcester. Lawmakers see the need to address this national crisis, which has had a devastating effect on both poor and middle class homeowners and renters. While many of these mortgage loan problems were brought about by predatory and unscrupulous lenders, others were the result of a lack of information, legal assistance, and common sense by some individuals and families who did not realize or who ignored how difficult it would be for them to make ballooning ARM mortgage payments in the future.

The Worcester City Council, on an 11-0 vote, rather than wait for the Commonwealth to pass the foreclosure legislation in front of it, seeks to take action similar to that already proposed by the city of Boston. Our Home Rule petitions request a 6-month moratorium to slow the tidal wave of foreclosures and give homeowners a little more time to get the right advice and make the best decisions in an effort to save their homes. They request that tenants and families who, through no fault of their own, are in danger of being evicted have some reasonable protections through a just-cause eviction process. And finally, they ask that homeowners be given their day in court just in case judicial steps and intervention can realize a new agreement between homeowner and lender. Perfect legislation? No. But helpful to Worcester, its homeowners, residential and commercial taxpayers, I think and hope so.

Besides homeowners and tenants, their children and extended families, having their lives seriously disrupted, neighborhoods often become blighted as foreclosures occur. As soon as the boarded windows spring up, the economic and emotional well-being of the entire neighborhood goes down. and the safety, economic and emotional well-being of the entire neighborhood can be compromised. Squatters sometimes take up residence, houses are vandalized, copper tubing removed, and windows shattered. Often the lender is oblivious to the condition of the property that they now own. Values and demand for surrounding properties in which neighbors have significant investments go down. Further, the economic ramifications of foreclosure include the loss of tax revenue; increased policing, fire department activity (due to arson), and an increased need for social services.

Worcester has been especially hard hit by the foreclosure tsunami. I understand that some homeowners have brought their troubles upon themselves by making unwise and uneducated decisions. However, many homeowners have fallen victim to a drastic change in career and financial status while others were prey to predatory lenders. In any case, the legislation which Worcester is proposing hopefully will offer some help, some relief and some time to homeowners, tenants and mortgage lenders so affected by this national crisis.

July 05, 2008

CIg Inventory Tax

Juts got my letter in the mail on the cigarette tax. After July 1st, all cigs that we order have the increased tax included, but the ones in the racks did not. We had to take an inventory, approximately 100 cartons.

We have to take that times that by 10 packs and then times that by the extra $1.00 per pack tax and we owe $1,000. We have twenty days to mail it in. Consider every outlet in the state needs to do that, there will be a bump in the July collections.

A true barometer will be the November collections. Tell you right now I have already seen a big drop in cig sales, why? I have decided that it is because of summer vacation and people are either going or know someone that is going to the beaches in NewHampshire and.or Maine and are buying cigs.

How can anyone, who voted in favor of this tax consider themselves pro-small business or to be business friendly?

July 04, 2008

Airport Master Plan

The Tuesday City Council agenda says the Master Plan has been placed on the City and Airport website. Just checked and I do not see it?

Other then that the monthly Economic Report on the airport 1) reports the same exact thing it has for almost two years on IMG that they are working on stuff and 2) a reminder that the DOT grant extension to spend the remaining $300,000 expires September 10, 2008.

July 03, 2008

Home Rules Foreclosure Petition

Councilor Rosen has been a great advocate for ORH, even though he has been the first person (and only) to refuse an on-line blog interview?

Recently, he has also been on the forefront for the home rules foreclosure petition. Tonight, I sent him an e-mail asking him to give me an example how this passage would benefit the tax-payers, and tenants, in the City of Worcester.

When he gets back to me I will post.


July 02, 2008

Cigarette Tax

You can read the various stories in all the papers today, but the bottom line is that the Commonwealth of Mass has added a dollar tax to a pack of cigarette which in essence has increased the price of a package of cigarettes by approximately $1.25. In the past there have been other tax increases but never one that increased the price of a pack of cigarettes by approximately 25%. Why are we doing this?

The need Commonwealth of Massachusetts which has seen the creation of the Connector Authority and Commonwealthcare is running at a deficit and they need this added revenue from the sale of cigs to pay for it. One big problem, however, this increase will not only not increase total collections but will most likely result in lower collections.

At first this will not be realized since every outlet that sells cigarettes needs to pay a floor tax ($1 per pack) on all cigarettes in invenotry so there will actually be a spike in collections at first. By November and Decemeber this will flatten out and it will be interesting to see what is the level of collections. Why will revenues reduce?

  1. Some will quit, not many
  2. Some will switch to generic cigs
  3. Some will start rolling their own
  4. Most will find other places to buy cigarettes that are from other states like New Hampshire, where a carton of cigs will be about $20 less. Whether they drive to NH, a friend is going or maybe their local bar will have an entrepeneur who will see the opportunity this has created and will start selling NH cigs out of his trunk.

Imagine owning a store in the Fitchburg/Leominster area or north of that!!! You may as well nmot even carry cigarettes. Botom line is that Massachusets is not an island and we need to be competitive with surrounding states or we will lose business.

Kudos to Fresolo and Evangelides, the only two local states representatives that voted against it.

July 01, 2008

20 Million For Non-Profits

Here we go . Click here.

20 Million for non-profits to buy foreclosed properties with up to $60,000 grants per unit for affordable housing. In other words you do not have to pay the $60,000 back during the affordability period (usualyy 15 years) if you keep the unit affordable, or low income.

More low income housing for Worcester. More great news.