Story by our friend in the Telegram, Mr Nemeth, click here. Actually I can not find the link, I will check later. Where do I start?
First off, "silly bloggers masquerading as airport experts". We may actually be silly, but nobody on the blog has proclaimed themself to be an airport expert. Does Mr Nemeth consider himself an airport expert? Putting that aside lets focus on the actual story.
We all understand the role of MassPort and appreciate the fact that they have bought us time to get our act together. Mr Nemeth, however, goes back to his common theme of blaming us for all the problems at ORH for not building a direct access road. Obviously ORH would be better off with better access, but I have a question for Mr Nemeth. How do do you explain 346,000 passengers counts in the 1989 or the 85% load factor for Allegiant in 2005 without an access road? What about airports like Rockford that do not have a direct access road?
In the article Mr Nemeth relies on the $100,000 airport study done by IMG. Mr Nemeth, what about the IMG recommendation in this same study that we should downgrade to General Aviation, if we are not successful in attracting commercial service? By the way what has IMG done with the other an additional $100,000 that we paid them to help us recruit an airline?
Closing ORH?? Although this is mentioned sometimes, us silly bloggers have not been calling for the closing of ORH. We have, however, urged that an RFP be put together to outright sell or long-term lease the airport and not to confine our options to only MassPort. Mr Nemeth why have we not done this?
What did Mr Nemeth have to say about the $400,000 20 year Master Plan that took three years to complete? Nothing--not a word. Bob, maybe if the Twenty Year Master Plan had addresed some of the benefits of an access road and you looked at us silly bloggers as allies, we could make an access road a reality.
So what is the answer now to "cut through the fog"? Another study--I kid you not. Evidently the $100,000 IMG study, the New England Regional Airport Study (unknown cost) and the $400,000 20 Year Master Plan was not enough. We need another study that will cost $400,000 and take 18 months-- you got to be kiddin me!!!!! The only option is the MassPike exit onto Route 56 by the way.
According to Mr Nemeth, MassPort will see this study as the commitment that they need to address the access issue and will take over ORH. A study will be seen as a commitment??
Super Bore here are my own fog cutting suggestions:
- By Sept/Oct if we do not have commercial service for this winter season, we need to downgrade to GA as IMG suggested.
- We appreciate everything MassPort has done
- We do not want to close ORH
- We do however want an RFP put together to long-term lease or sell ORH and to market this extensively.
- Replace waiting for the results from studies with action
Bill Randell
Most definately not an Airport Expert
AKA Silly Blogger