Top 10 Reasons to Fly Private
1. When flying private, travelers avoid spending the 53 percent ofoverall travel time that is spent just waiting in major airports for a flight. This includes check-in, security lines and flight delays.
2. Flying private reduces trip time to destinations by approximately 3.5hours.
3. Leave on time and arrive on time - specified by the traveler - with private air. Commercial travelers suffer from late departures more than aquarter of the time and late arrivals almost a third of the time.
4. Flights can be booked according to the traveler's schedule, creatingefficiencies that eliminate unnecessary overnight stays, long commutes frommajor airports to final destinations and unexpected cancellations.
5. Private air charters can go into 10-times more airports thancommercial flights. By utilizing regional airports, air travel needs can bemet from convenient locations, closer to homes and offices.
6. The well-appointed cabins on private jets are more condusive to meetings and add to business travelers levels of productivity.
7. The average age of a commercial plane is more than 25 years old. On the whole, private planes are newer and more eco-friendly.
8. Luggage is loaded directly onto the aircraft, in view of the traveler,unlike the hundreds of thousands of mishandled and lost bags in commercial airports.
9. The average light jet flight is only 90 minutes, getting travelers from point-to-point efficiently.
10. Leisure travelers can get to weekend destinations quicker and avoidgetting stuck in weekend traffic.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
This is completely unrelated, but you can add Starbucks on Shrewsbury St to your list of former Worcester businesses:
Next time you drive down Shrewsbury Street, check out the number of signs for sale or lease.
As gas hovers at $4 per gallon, as well all the other utility costs, it is going to be a very tough summer for all the restaurants and bars in the City of Worcester.
Dropping $100 on dinner, not to mention expensive coffee, is the first thing to go in this economic climate.
Meanwhile Dunky at Main & Hammond St thrives with inner city types.
I heard on radio that 40(?) SB's would be closed (nationwide(?)...........maybe that one was corp owned???
I am telling you Bill many peopel are living in their apts with no gas which can be OK for summer months............many were shut off last April by gas's really going to hit the fan come December.........I sure hope we dont see more fires thsi winter caused by people trying to stay warm with unconventional heating systems.....and oddly enough....I am not sure the health/building code can require you to have heat (or elec?).............just the means to provide the heat are all that is req'd...........
and what good is fuel assistance if your gas is shut off?
Then why aren't they based out of Worcester?
Good question?
a. 5 years to get a bridge mural painted?
b. 12 years to bring a parking garage to fruition.
c. 9 years of Massport at Worc Airport and the airport has gone backwards if anything.
d. How many years to make a decision & build Washington Sq Roundabout 5 or 6??
Does anyone see a recurring pattern here ?? come we can wash, upgrade, paint, clean, etc teh Fed'l Sq parking garage primarily for the benefit of The Hand It Over Theatre in virtally no time at all......yet a city bridge underpass is nicely coated with pigeon dung for a 1/4 of a there's a God dam nuisance that the health dept s/b all over like a cheap suit..........oops i forgot the city is exemopt from the nuisance ordinace.....or maybe pigeon dung is deemed an act of God?
Why not just sandblast ther Green St Muralized RR bridge and be done with for ever? It's made from nice looking older granite blocks which when cleaned usually look very nice.
In 1990 they painted that darn Peristoika (sp) Mural on the bridge and it has languished and washed away for yrs now to teh point it looked worse than if the pigeons had just dunged the stone instead
Let the urban artists do the CSX box cars.............just blast and/or powerwash the granite blocks and be done with it $15,000 for a bunch pothead artists to do their thing on a bridger abutment.......good lord!!!!!! & now they want to sue for anouther $15,000
I take that back it's not the Arts Worcester stoner crowd thats doing the bridge painting
Does anyone know if the Airport Commission met in June?
Just curious. Wanted to see if Master Plan was discussed
another unrelated elation...I am listening to someone practice on a tuba..a f'n is terrible but I am happy as a clam..someone in my hood actually doing something productive..creative...ahhh the sweet sound of music
I honestly believe that charters and fractional ownership will replace first-class travel. The headaches of airlines don't end with a first-class ticket.
I heard stories from Paul Revere Insurance company employees, when the company was being sold to a company in Chattanooga, TN. There were no non-stop flights from BOS to TN. A trip there could take ten or more hours.
As part of the deal during the sale, Textron (parent company of buyer or seller - don't remember) gave the use of two Citation jets to the company during the transition.
Employees would go to work in the morning, drive to the airport and get on the plane at 9:55. Plane departed at 10:00 and arrived at 1:00. They spent the afternoon working in TN.
No two hour prior check-in, no lines at security, no changing planes, nothing but air travel.
Thanks for the great list of useful facts and information about private jets. Your readers may also be interested in reading about why private jets are NOT just for the rich and famous these days, at
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