Until I see one mention of this in the newspaper or at a City Council Meeting, I will just post here every once in a while. Sorry this whole idea of Master Plans and task forces are just an excuse no to do anything, but wait. Hey what about those charettes?
For the 100th time I was on one task force and I must admit it went about 100 times better then expected. We came up with great ideas and recommendations, but none were never enacted, so what did we really get done? Answer--nothing.
We really need to make a committed effort to have no more task forces or reports by consultants. Elected officials and the management in the City of Worcester need to make decisions and defend them on their own merit. No more excuses or reports to hide behind.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
1 comment:
Also what about the New England Regional Air Study?
Weren't we waiting for the releease of this report before we finished our Master Plan. How do the two mesh? The New Engl report has been realeased...right??
ANy chance both of these reports are already outdated, given fuel costs, baggage charges, & other changes to air travel fees structure....we've all seen that add on TV for Southwest where the bathroom will cost you $2 per flush.
Then there's also the Worc Mun. Research Bureau ....talk about the poor red headed step child......all of their reports and recommendations are filed and forgotten about. How would you feel if you were Roberta schaefer and every time she shows up on the media........Raffa, Courtney, and others who feed at the public trough (Howie Carrs vernacular) get all bent out of shape about her recommendations. BTW, do we still have chauffuers for each of the 4 district chiefs who tool around in their Expeditions?
Why do we need to have the new fire station have a beautiful brick facade? This masonry work costs a fortune. Why not just leave 3 sides of it cement block and put brick on just the front? Answer probably is the fed's are paying for most of it.
Why do Worc's finest need to tool around in V-8 Crown Vic's.....cant we downsize many of these cruisers to smaller mid sized or compact cars ?? If the 350 lb perp cant fit into the back seat of Ford escort....then just call the wagon.
We may not hear anything about this report until after Labor Day at the earliest....or Maybe not until after the Nov nat'l elections....afterall isnt it best for our elected officials self interests to keep this deficit ridden enterprise out of sight & out of mind until someone has a solution for it
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