I read the Sunday paper in world record time. Super Bore still has not written about the Airport Master Plan other then Nick K and there was an interesting story about the cost of public records from the police station, maybe 10 minutes. No Diane today.
Home Section had one interesting piece, 244 Main Street (Irish Times) being foreclosed. Remember seeing the Irish Times complaining about vendors selling food in front of their building at a City Council Meeting a few weeks back.
Couple of interesting points, taxes owed on this property are 207,673, while the last payment was made over 5 years ago (5/1/3). There is also one mortgage on the property in the amount of 3,600,000 from LBM Financial. This is one of the companies affiliated with Duddie, this guy is everywhere.
Running a business in the City of Worcester has alot of overhead expenses. As gas prices stay at $4 per gallon, people are going to be cutting the entertainment budget and I think we will see more restaurants closing in the City.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Nothing really positive in the Master Plan to talk about.
The grading of the facilities is the most disturbing. Facilities graded fair condition, millions of more $$$ requested for new maintenance building,fuel farm, firestation, fencing.
How did the facilities get so run down without a preventative maintenance program to upkeep the existing facilities over the last 30-40 years?
I doubt the "give us the $$$ to upgrade the airport or airlines won't come" won't fly this time.
I have received alot of anonymous e-mails and have read many comments on this blog the past three years from people who deal with ORH. To a man they have all said that the current conditions of many of the buildings are deplorable. Also have heard the roof in the terminal needs work.
I am not surprised to read about the millions needed to get ORH back in shape. Still amazed that the future ownership or whether or not we should downgrade to GA were even discussed, not to mention access.
drove down Park last night about 11PM....new club (replaced old club) across from State Liquors & Doherty's was packed..so was the State Liquors parking lot - first thought was did State Liquors allow this..the "El Delisioso" parked alongside:>)
Young kids walking across Park like they owned it-no order...not one police officer in sight..I was worried going up and down that I may wack someone...cars stopped to a standstill on Park looking in and for a place to park with no regard for folks driving down Park
This kind of scene is to common in my part of the city...never condoned in other parts
commented on this a few weeks back
this is not a question of if , but when a major problem will occur there
WHerre do I start? I go away for 3 days and the baloney continues to hit teh fan. Yesterday (Sunday) morning I go store....pick up the Local paper and they have all kinds issues with police details. Ruins the start of my Sunday. I pick up T&G read headlines ( Police & public records law) then toss it back on the rack. I want to relax for 3 days and up goes my BP.
Why wasnt the Irish Times property sent to tax collection 4 years ago? Someone had to tell our treasurer(s) NOT to proceed with collection, otherwise the treasurer(s)) s/b taken to task for failure to perform their job................right?????
Once it is 1 yr. in arrears a tax collectors lien is issued and the collection process starts and if not paid....city takes teh property...or mortgage holders steps forwrd and pays it up to protect their interests.
More special treatment for those who are plugged in? One has to wonder? Reminds me of the building in the airport industrial park building that is zillions of dollars in arrears on its obligations to the city. More special treatment. Then theres all the special treatment our non profits receive.
Then I come home & I read of the police dept bobbing and weaving re: disclosure of public records...........if this T&G story is accurate, Gemme s/b booted..........or has someone else put him up to this. Do the cops want to be accoded the same respect that some of us have for the fire dept?
I have to wonder, Do rogue cops know where all the skeletons are buried...........and the boys in blue circle the wagons. I know when you have 400 peopel in any job situation, you're going to have a few rotten apples.......but this is over the top
If Chief Gemme has manpower issues then call Kelly Girl or hire a parttime kid for photocopying..........or.......take a good look at all the sick days your personnel are abusing.
What is the city and/or the police trying to hide?
The Irish Club is not the same as Irish Times.
I thought the Irish Club got Rte 146'ed? Does it still exist in a diff locale?
Re maintenance & up keep of city owned property. We have the same problem with school buildings too. City never properly maintains them. Why?? It's cheaper to do no/littel regular maintenance and then just demo the place 30 -35 years later when the state is paying 85- 90% of the cost of new school facilities...........although this may change in the future. Talk about a waste of taxpayer money & building mat'l resources.
But its for the children (and the union building trades).
Anyone been reading about the $197M high school in newton that is coming in way, way, way over budgets...........maybe 75% over......just imagine if a new CVS store came in a mere 10% over budget...........heads would roll
Yes the Irish Club was forced out on Millbury Street due to the 146 project. They are now at Green and Temple Street. Fiddler's Green is their Pub.
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