Onc again a report that had much fanfare when announced has been released without hardly a mention. The 20 year Mastern Plan is now on the City of Worcester website, clikc here for the Executive Summary. Keepind mind that this took some 3-4 years to complete at a cost of $400,000--there is alot of nothing here? Maybe I am missing something, except of course the $141,000,000 in short and long-term capital projects, this report is disappointment.
Two of the biggest issues I see are 1) do we outright sell or long-term lease ORH to MassPort or another private entity and 2) do we downgrade to General Aviation. As far as I can tell neither of these topics were even discussed.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
It looks like they are recommending AGAINST downgrading to GA (Executive Summary - Page 8 - PDF Page 10):
The ORH Master Plan concluded that the Medium growth Scenario was the most appropriate for determining ORH’s long-term development strategies for the following reasons:
• The Medium-growth Scenario is the FAA-recommended forecast scenario in the NERASP. It represents the most likely scenario given the history and the FAA’s forecast projections for the New England Region.
• The Medium-growth Scenario maintains flexibility in the near-term for all future forecast scenarios. Adoption of the Medium-growth Scenario maintains the flexibility to shift to a Low or High-growth mode in the medium to long term as demand and actual activity warrant.
• The Medium-growth Scenario maintains FAA Part 139 Certification that is necessary for commercial aviation activity, and is critical to certain FAA funding and project approvals. ORH has maintained Part 139 Certification.
• The Medium-growth Scenario projects a return of a modest level of commercial service, which is consistent with ORH’s mission and is reflected in ORH’s current capital program.
Oh yeah - I forgot to add....
A six-pack of Guinness says Nemeth touts the importance of the master plan on Sunday.
After the New England Regional Air Study Plan, I knew that they were recommending the medium growth scenario long-term.
I was not sure if the Master Plan would address IMG's recommendation to downgrade to GA in the short-term.
"projects a return of a modest level of commercial service"
How much?
How long? (9 months?)
These $400,000 consultants are too vague on this item and lacking in specificity.
I do not want to be too critical but remember the community meetings, why did we even have them?
I actually even remember people saying we need to wait for the 20 Year Master Plan to be released. It has been released without a mention.
$400,000 for this?
Nothing specific about improving access to the airport.
Anyone know if the airport is used by frieght companies like FedEx, UPS & the like?
I agree one shouldnt be too critical..........LOL.....esp . me.....b/c when one is critical they are deemed not a team player
I suspect no meetings were held b/c if those living in the airport environs knew what the master plan envisions.....they would go screaming to the city council about too many large planes landings being planned..................then the council would be forced to show their true colors ........which are...........we want a successful airport...............but not too many large planes landing...............kind alike McGovern, Kennedy & Kerry being for alternative energy.........just not in their back yard....and no Nukes either
Lets hope that what color the nmeedle disposal boxes s/b is more important to the council this summer than a home rule petition re: sumprime problems.
BTW........the councils summertime schedule will ssurely preclude any airport discussions until after LAbor day............so 2-3 more months will be lost re airport progress...................but what 3 moinths when the place has been dead for.........8 yrs(?)
Gee, I have lots of faith in this report... (P74 - Appendix)
Amity flight schools plans to remain at ORH and hopes to physically and programmatically expans in the near- and long-term to serve primary natural market base - local colleges and universities.
Seriously, this appears to be a complete waste of the taxpayers money. The whole thing is based on a medium growth scenario, and based on that (faulty) assumption, they say we should spend another $140,000,000
Actually I knew they were not going to address access in this Master Plan? At one community meetiung Roberta Schaefer asked that question and we were told that this was not part of their "scope"?
The more I look at this 20 Year Master Plan, the more ridiculous it looks. What the ll took them three years?:
A 20 year Master Plan that costs $400,000 that does not discuss ownership or access, but recommends $141,000,000 in short and long-term improvements?
bILL, i WASNT EVEN REFERRING TO ACCESS ISSUE..........what i meant was more planes = more noise= more complaints = a week kneed council= why even bother to have an airport.
Suppose we start having 8-10 large palnes a day landing at all times of the day or night......you dont think that those used to living in an airport environs that has been basically noise-less for years are going to start complaining loudly to the council...........BTW is this issue addressed in the master plan??
My limited exposure to consultants has not nec been positive......esp given the money they cost and teh benefits derived........
Large consulting houses like Boose, Allen, & Hamilton(are they still around?) and others tend to be more worth their millions
I would agree to spending additional monies for the infrastructure (i.e. new fuel farm,new maintenance building, improvements to ARFF building, terminal,fencing runways etc.) if there was at least a reasonable return on investment.
Reading the report, I can't see it.
A private enterprise would have to spend alot of capital (grants aside)to make a go of it, unless they brought their own clientle and had a solid plan for revenue
Sorry Bill....I thought you were responding to Jahn (me).........re access road...........but I missed the other JOHN name on one of the earlier postings about an access road..........mea culpa.
God i was downtown today....i know all constr sites arent too easy on the eyes..............but what a mess the common is......ripping up all that we just installed 4-5 yrs ago.......definitely a Common on the move thats for sure
BTW do they have an official name for the new skating rink....if not how about a bloggers naming contest??....to break up the summer doldrums??
Maybe the city can sell naming rights and apply the money to our unfunded sick pay liability of zillions of $$$$$$............or put some new Blackstones on my neighbors street surface
"if not how about a bloggers naming contest??....to break up the summer doldrums??"
How about a cross between the Ice Follies, and Seward's Folly:
"Worcester's Folly"
Interesting that Pat SantaMaria is the overseer of the T-Hanger condo association and an airport commissioner. Is this conflict of interest?
He also seems like a permanent fixture at Swissport!!!!
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